The Center for Young Scientists is a structural unit of the Higher School of Natural Sciences. The Center’s activities are aimed at developing an active life position of students, as well as promoting the implementation of initiatives and ideas of young scientists of Higher School.
A scientific societies is a form of organizing students’ scientific activities, expressed in attracting students to scientific activities, assisting in choosing a scientific direction, holding scientific meetings, listening and discussing reports at them, participating in student scientific events of various levels.
- Involvement of talented students, undergraduates and young scientists of Higher School in research and innovation activities and their involvement in solving urgent problems of modern science;
- Assistance to students in independent scientific search and organizational support of their scientific work;
- Assistance in the fuller realization of the intellectual potential of young scientists through the organization of their training in modern technologies of scientific and technical creativity;
- Organization and implementation of scientific and innovative projects and works on topical issues of the development of science and education; organization of scientific conferences, seminars, competitions, master classes, Olympiads. Preparation of students, undergraduates and young scientists to participate in regional, national and international scientific conferences, competitions, Olympiads.
Every student of any form of Higher School can become a member of the scientific societies.
Registration in scientific societies is made constantly during the academic year (2nd building, 319 room).
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The Center for Young Scientists was formed in 2022. The purpose of the Center is the organization, methodological support and ensuring the effectiveness of research activities, the development of the innovative potential of young scientists of Higher School.
Chairman of the Center for Young Scientists: PhD student of the ЕP “Biology” Abdildauly Alem

The activity of the society is aimed at developing interest in physics and solving physical problems, improving the knowledge and skills acquired in the main course, mastering techniques and methods for solving Olympiad problems in physics, identifying and developing students’ creative abilities and interest in research activities in the field of physics, including in the field of physical experiment.
Join the group and successfully study physics now!
The head of the society: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assoc.Professor A.Rakhymbekov

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This society is intended for students interested in research work. Students participating in the society, under the guidance of the lecturer A.Mausumbayeva, learn to work with scientific literature, independently analyze and summarize scientific works, acquire skills in conducting laboratory experiments, can participate in student conferences with the results of practical research, make reports and publish them in scientific publications.
The head of the society: Candidate of agricultural Sciences, lecturer A.Mausumbayeva

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The club was established in February 2021 on the initiative of students and teachers of the EP “Geography” and “Geography-History”. The main goal of the club is to study nature and natural–territorial complexes, search for interesting natural phenomena and objects, discuss them with club members, and promote creative research works on geography. The scheduled meeting of the student club of ZHU “Geographer – researcher” is held 2 times a month.
Head of the club: PhD, lecturer B.Kerimbay

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The main purpose of this society is to involve students in research activities in the field of chemistry and ecology. Visiting the Chemist society will allow students to:
– Learn to set the goal of scientific work and formulate tasks to achieve it;
– Process experimental data, identify patterns, decipher spectra;
– Learn how to design a research paper, make a report and presentation;
– Gain experience with poster and oral presentations at competitions, seminars and conferences of various levels.
The head of the society: Candidate of Technical Sciences, lecturer M.Dzhetimov

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In September 2021, on the initiative and with the support of teachers and students of educational programs “Mathematics”, the mathematical society of ZHU “JIPTO” was created.
The JIPTO game (Professor Tomsky’s intellectual game) was invented by Professor Grigori Vasilyevich Tomsky as a driving force of reason and creativity.
The purpose of the society: to explore the possibilities of using JIPTO in math lessons.
The head of the society: lecturer K.Yeskendirov

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The activity of the society is aimed at forming a holistic view of the global information space and the principles of obtaining information, the formation of design and research skills of active creativity using modern technologies provided by a computer; as well as the formation of skills and methods of activity for solving practically important tasks of creating their own information resources.
Leaders of the society: lecturer K.Shetieva, teacher-assistant A.Kabytayev