College-Director’s appeal

Dear applicants and guests of the website!                            

Welcome to the website of our college. Zhansugurov College was organized in 2018 as a structural unit of Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov and is currently one of the leading organizations of technical and vocational education in the Zhetysu region.

Choosing a profession is an important and defining step in every person’s life. And the right decision today will allow you to become a sought-after specialist and a successful person in the future.

Our college occupies a worthy place in the field of educational services in the region. It is distinguished by a friendly, highly professional, efficient team of teachers, a team of students, whose cooperation forms the basis not only for obtaining professional education, but also for the development of everyone’s personality.

        For those who decide to connect their lives with studying at our college, we guarantee:

  • the demand and employment of graduates;
  • highly qualified teaching staff;
  • the use of modern technologies and innovations in the field of education;
  • an interesting student life.

We will do everything possible to ensure that applicants have no doubt about the importance and significance of the choice they have made.

We will be glad to see you in our college!

Director of «Zhansugurov College»Eskendirov Bakitzhan Nurserikovich