General information

The educational program employs highly qualified specialists: PhD, associate professors, candidates, as well as masters. In the 2021-2022 academic year, the number of teaching staff leading classes in basic and specialized disciplines of the educational program amounted to 18 teachers, including 1 associate professor, 10 lecturer, 3 teaching assistants. Scientists are represented by 1 PhD, 7 candidates of sciences, 7 masters.

 Material and technical equipment:

The library fund is provided with an electronic database of articles, books, abstracts, dissertations, works of the teaching staff of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Educational and operational information for students and teachers are located on the website and portals of the university. The department and computer classes are provided with access to the Internet and the local network of the university. There are open WI-FI zones.

The department owns classrooms and laboratories equipped with the equipment necessary for the educational process, technical teaching aids, modern educational equipment, posters and models.

Laboratories and special rooms are equipped and decorated:

“Agroecology Laboratory”, “Electrical and Radioelectronics Laboratory”, “Standardization and Certification Laboratory”, “Special Cabinet for Environmental Protection and Life Safety”, multimedia audience, crop production audience.

Laboratories ensure the maintenance of basic and specialized disciplines in accordance with the relevant educational programs. Equipment and devices are available for students and teachers, and are in a proper working order.

Agroecology laboratory:

 – Student enrollment for the EHB Environmental Workshop 8.303.

– RPL field laboratory for soil research.

– Drying cabinet ShS-80-01 SPU.

– SPEL sanitary food mini express, laboratory.

– Scales analytical laboratory RADWAG AS 220.R2

– Balance analytical laboratory MITSUMI AY 220 M

– Stirring device BIOSAN PSU 20.

– Interactive training kit (magnetic whiteboard with anti-reflective coating).

– Octane meter PE-7300 included.

– Mini-centrifuge Frontier FC5306.

Laboratory of electrical engineering and radio electronics:

Minimum-module computer stand for electrical engineering and radio electronics.

Special room for environmental protection and life safety:

 – Individual protection means,

– Medical robot simulator “Gosha”,

– Indicator of high-frequency fields IVP-01,

– Fire extinguishers OPU-5,

– Sound level meter, spectrum analyzer, 1-class accuracy, SI assistant

– Laser rangefinder, etc.


The history of educational programs in natural and technical sciences originates from the Department of Natural Sciences, which was part of the Faculty of Physical Culture. In March 1997, the specialty 010940 - "Ecology and Nature Management" was opened at the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, which was part of the Faculty of Physical Culture. In 1998, according to the order of the Rector of the University, the Department of Anatomy and Physiology was transformed into the Department of Natural Sciences.
Since 1998, the head of the department was a well-known scientist, Honored teacher, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nusip Nautayevich Smail.


The foundation of this specialty contributed to the improvement of the material and technical base of the department, the change in the teaching staff with the involvement of specialists in environmental protection.

In 2003. the Department of Natural Science was transformed into two departments: biology and geography, chemistry and ecology. From the first days, the department of chemistry and ecology was headed by a corresponding member of the National Academy "Ecology", candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Akylbek Kenzhebekov.

A great contribution to the improvement of the educational, methodological and research work of the department in the environmental direction was made by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor A.Bigaliyev. Under his leadership, the project "Environmental assessment of the impact of industrial enterprises on the natural components of the Almaty region (air, water, soil)" won a grant of 2 million tenge, for which equipment and teaching aids were purchased.


In 2007-2008, the Department of Chemistry and Ecology was headed by the candidate of agricultural sciences Aida Maussymbaeva. During these years, the methods of teaching disciplines were improved, textbooks and educational material on animal ecology and nature protection were purchased.

In September 2008, the Departments of Biology and Geography, Chemistry and Ecology became part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science.

The Department of Geography and Ecology was established on June 1, 2008. Aigul Idrissova, candidate of technical sciences, was appointed as a head of the Department of Geography and Ecology. The department opened specialties 5B090200 - "Tourism", 5B073100 - "Life safety and environmental protection", created the material and technical base of specialties, improved educational and methodological support of disciplines.

From October 2008 to December 2010, the department was headed by senior teacher Saule Dyusembinova. During this period, a great contribution was made to improving the quality of students' knowledge, the development of research and teaching directions. To ensure the specialty 5B060800 - "Ecology", a laboratory of ecology and environmental protection was established.


From December 2010 to September 2018, the department was headed by the candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Zhambyl Kanagatov. During this period, the department opened a master's degree for the specialty 6M060800 - "Ecology" and a double specialty 5B012900 - "Geography-History". Agreements have been concluded with regional manufacturing enterprises, such as the Department of Ecology in the Almaty Region, the Department of Natural Resources of the Almaty Region, the Forestry of Taldykorgan, the National Parks "Altyn-Emel", "Zhongar-Alatau", "Charyn Canyon", etc. to conduct joint seminars, conferences, research works, practices, lectures and scientific projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Work was done on academic mobility as well. 

From September 2018 to 2020 , he directed PhD educational programs  Karasholakova Lazzat Naushabaevna.
In 2021, the department was renamed into educational programs in natural and technical sciences. M.R. Turlybekova became the head of educational programs.


The teachers of the department are working on the publication of the necessary educational and methodological documentation, teaching and methodological manuals in Russian, Kazakh and English.

Currently, the department develops and implements electronic textbooks, educational and methodological complexes (EMC), teaching manuals and workshops, teaching manuals for universities and schools into the educational process.

Educational-methodical manuals issued in 2018-2019:

Андасбаев Е.C., Әлімбеков Ж.С., Кенжебеков А.К., Қанағатов Ж.Ж. Қазақстан Республикасындағы мемлекеттік экологиялық бақылауды ұйымдастырудың әдістемелік негіздері:оқу-әдістемелік құралы. — Талдықорған: Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу мемлекеттік университеті, 2017. -349 б.ISBN 978-601-216-366-7.

М.Р. Турлыбекова, А.Ж. Рахымбеков. Тұрғындарды қорғаудың, төтенше жағдайлардың салдарларын жою принциптері мен әдістері. «TechSmit» баспасында басылымға дайындалды және басып шығарылды.ҚР, Алматы, Жетісу-2ш.ауд.

А.Ж. Рахымбеков, И.Ж. Есенгабылов, Г.А. Сеитова. Электр энергиясын өндіру мәселелері. Программа для ЭВМ — электронное учебное пособие. Астана, № 5934 от 210.2019.

А.Ж. Рахымбеков, Р.А. Садуакасова, Г.С. Нурбосынова. Альтернативти энергия коздерин пайдалану. Программа для ЭВМ — электронное учебное пособие. Астана, № 4352 от 01.07.2019г.

А.Ж. Рахымбеков, М.Р. Турлыбекова, Р.А. Садуакасова. Табиғи және техногендік сипаттағы төтенше жағдайлар. Программа для ЭВМ — электронное учебное пособие. Астана, № 2699 от 08.04.2019г.

А.Ж. Рахымбеков. Кәсіби педагогикадағы ғылыми зерттеу негіздер. Программа для ЭВМ — электронное учебное пособие. Астана, №1412 от 22.01.2019.

Teaching manuals issued in 2018-2019:

Канагатов Ж.Ж., Әлімбеков Ж.С., Байеділов К.Е. Жетісудың табиғи қорларын оңтайлы пайдалану: оқу құралы. – Талдықорған: I. Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу мемлекеттік университеті, 2018. 235 б.

А.С. Акмуллаева. Қолданбалы биология. ӘОЖ 573 (075), КБЖ 28.087я73, А37. Оқу құралы. Алматы:CyberSmith,2019.-188 б. ISBN 978-601-342-049-3

А.С. Акмуллаева. Өсімдіктер мен жануарлар экологиясы. ӘОЖ 574 (075), КБЖ 28.080я73. А37, Оқу құралы.Алматы:CyberSmith,2019.-192 б. ISBN 978-601-342-048-6

Ж.Ж. Қанағатов, Ж.С. Алимбеков, К.Е. Байедилов. Экологические проблемы использования природных ресурсов в Алматинской области. Издательский отдел Жетысуского государственного университета им. И.Жансугурова, 2019 г. 231 стр. ISBN 978-601-216-588-3. 

Electronic manuals issued in 2018-2019:

А.Ж. Рахымбеков М.Р. Турлыбекова Р.А. Садуакасова. Табиғи және техногендік сипаттағы төтенше жағдайлар. Авторлық құқықпен қорғалатын объектілерге құқықтардың мемлекеттік тізілімге мәліметтерді енгізу туралы куәлік №2699. 08.04. 2019ж

А.Ж. Рахымбеков М.Р. Турлыбекова. Тұрғындарды қорғаудың, төтенше жағдайлардың салдарларын жою принциптері мен әдістері. Авторлық құқықпен қорғалатын объектілерге құқықтардың мемлекеттік тізілімге мәліметтерді енгізу туралы куәлік №2587. 29.03. 2019ж.

М.Р. Турлыбекова А.К. Бутенова. Құтқару техникасы және байланыс. Авторлық құқықпен қорғалатын объектілерге құқықтардың мемлекеттік тізілімге мәліметтерді енгізу туралы куәлік №2994. 24.04. 2019ж.

М.Р. Турлыбекова. Төтенше жағдайлардың қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз ету және теориялық негізі. Авторлық құқықпен қорғалатын объектілерге құқықтардың мемлекеттік тізілімге мәліметтерді енгізу туралы куәлік №2987. 23.04. 2019ж.

З.К. Канаева. «Менеджмент пен маркетингтегі экологиялық құқық негіздері». Элект. Оқу құралы- 2019. -152 б. Элект. Оқу құралы. ҚР авторлық құқықпен қорғалатын объектілерге мемлекеттік тізілімге мәліметтерді енгізу туралы Куәлік, 13.03.2019. №2268

З.К. Канаева, А.Т. Канаев. Экология. Элект. Оқу құралы- 2019. 136 б. ҚР авторлық құқықпен қорғалатын объектілерге мемлекеттік тізілімге мәліметтерді енгізу туралы Куәлік, 05.2019.   №3706


The research work of the department is based on applied and fundamental research and is aimed at integrating science and education.

 The main scientific directions of the department:

Study of the electrophysical properties of solid oxidized ionic conductors. A.Zh. Rakhymbekov. № 0115РКО8056. 11.2015- 30.12.2020

The ecological state of the components of the biosphere in the Almaty region. Kanagatov Zh.Zh.0118РКИ0119. 02.2018-2018-2020.

Implementation of scientific projects within the framework of grant funding from the Ministry of Science and Education:

Ethnocultural uniqueness of the diaspora in the context of globalization (based on the Kazakhs of Mongolia and China) in the framework of Kaykibayev’s program “Rukhani Zhangyru”. GU »Science Committee MON RK». till 2020

“Intensification of the process of extracting uranium by biotechnological method from poor ores in the Northern region of Kazakhstan.” A.T. Kanaev №АР05132276 Republican budget  № 1. 2019

Implementation of scientific projects within the framework of international and joint grant programs, scholarships:

Russian language in the RK. A.Kaykibayev, Grant agreement №2028/ІІ-286-19 from 16.08.2019

Research results are published in the journals KKSON, RSCI, Web of Science, Scopus.

According to the results of research work of the teaching staff of the department, patents and copyright certificates were obtained.


To obtain additional experience and competencies in the form of credits, academic mobility (internal and external) is carried out both among teachers and students. So on internal academic mobility in the specialty 5B011600-Geography, a student from the Amanzholov EKSU Aidan Akhmetkalikyzy studied at the I.Zhansugurov ZhSU.

The 3rd year student Dinislan Dauren was sent to the Czech Agro-Technical University in Prague with a degree in Life Safety Fundamentals.

Within the framework of academic mobility, the department cooperates with such internationally rated universities in the world as the Czech Agrotechnical University (Czech Republic), Lodz University (Poland), Riga Technical University (Riga), Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy of the University of Latvia (Latvia), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, etc. In order to implement the plan of the educational program at the international level, specialists from foreign universities and institutes are invited to conduct seminars and lectures:

– Associate Professor, PhD Doctor of the University of South Bohemia in the Czech Republic Jaroslav Bohach;

– Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professor of the University of Lodz Andrzej Kruk;

– Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Abay KazNPU named after D.Aydarbayev;

– Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv A.Beznosyuk

– Professor of the University of Zilina (Slovakia) Marian Zhaniga;

– Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of Tallinn University, School of Natural Sciences and Health Care Mart Reiman.


At the Department of Agronomy and Technical Disciplines, a large and fruitful work is carried out with students. Student life at the department is rich, active and, thanks to the creative work of the teaching staff, constantly stands out in studentsmemories. 

Teachers, together with students, hold round tables, meetings, disputes in all domains of educational work, competitions, concerts, and participate in sports. Students take part in the development of educational plans.

A number of unique traditional events are held at the Department of Agronomy and Technical Disciplines, in which both teachers and students take part.


2019 Diploma of 1 degree "100 best physicists", Astana.

2019 2nd degree diploma, "Creative initiative of a teacher", Astana, NMC "ZIAT"

2019 3rd degree diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific. NIRS leadership

2019 Diploma of the 2nd degree "The best teacher" Astana, MAOiN RKnt, such as Teacher's Day, Dedication to students, Golden Autumn.

2018 Individual membership in the Asian Council of Science Editors (Asian Scientific Editing Council).

Senior Lecturer of the Department, Ph.D. Aizhan Akmullayeva:

Professional of the year 2018. Diploma of the 2nd degree International Center for Scientific Cooperation, Penza, Russian Federation

At the end of 2019, students and undergraduates of the Department of Agronomy and Technical Disciplines demonstrated excellent research and creative performance, which proves the prizes in competitions, olympiads and conferences of various levels:

3rd year student of the specialty "Ecology" N.Mussabekova was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree in the VII International Olympiad of scientific works "Polar Star of Science" (04.02.2019, Taganrog, Russia), (supervisor Master, senior teacher A.Kanagatova);

2-3 year students of the specialty "Ecology" Zh.Zhumadilova (3rd place), E.Akhmeshov (1st place), K.Kartaev (1st place), T.Sambetbaeva (1st place), Zh.Sadirov (1st place), B.Berikboluly (2nd place), A.Shapavalova (1st place), Zh.Magatay (1st place), Sapi A. (1st place), Z.Zhumabekova (1st place), B.Kudaybergen (3rd place) were awarded with diplomas of the I, II, III degrees in the International Olympiad “I want to know everything”, Czech Republic; the 3rd year student of the specialty "Life safety and environmental protection" A.Orynbasar was awarded a diploma of the II degree in the International talent competition "Presentation for the lesson" (03.12.2019 Moscow), (supervisor professor A.Rakhimbekov);

Within the framework of the Year of Youth, among young scientists and first-time entrepreneurs on December 9, 2019 at I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu State University, the winners of the competition for innovative ideas and start-up projects “Jetisý – Start-up” were awarded. According to the results of the Competition, the 3rd year student of the specialty "Ecology" T. Sambetbaeva and the 1st year undergraduate of the specialty "Ecology" E. Dorzheeva won the 2nd place and received a certificate for the amount of 70,000 tenge. on the project "Use of microorganisms for the disposal of food waste", (scientific supervisor Ph.D., associate professor Z.Kanayeva). Moreover, the 1st year students of the specialty "Life Safety and Environmental Protection" and "Standardization and Certification" Zh.Nurgali, N.Dauletkazinov, A.Tynybekova, G.Erzhan, A.Mamyrbaeva, A.Koyshibaeva  received the nomination "Best technological project" on the theme "Geothermaldyk zhylytu" (supervisor, Master G.Seitova)

Students of the Department of Agronomy and Technical Disciplines with a victory at the III International Subject Olympiad in Ecology Tomiris M.Nasibzhanov (First degree diploma), K.Bondarenko (First degree diploma) Scientific adviser Professor A.Rakhymbekov 2020.

teaching staff

Zhambyl Kanagatov

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of educational programs in Natural and Technical Sciences t.a.



Meruert Turlybekova

Candidate of Technical Sciences, teacher lecturer



Lazzat Karasholakova

PhD teacher lecturer



Elmira Bukenova

Candidate of Biological Sciences, teacher lecturer



Aigul Idrissova

Candidate of Technical Sciences, teacher lecturer



Medil Ormanbetov

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, teacher lecturer

Aizhan Akkmulayeva

Candidate of Biological Sciences, teacher lecturer



Guldana Seitova

Master's degree, teacher lecturer



Gaziza Kasseinova

Master's degree, teacher lecturer



Yenglik Bilisbekkyzy

Master's degree, teacher lecturer



Askhat Tokanbaev

Master's degree, teacher lecturer



    Kaskyrbayev Dias

    Master's degree, teacher lecturer

    +7 (707) 561 00 97


    Dinara Soltanova

    Master's degree, teacher assistant



    Ulzhalgas Yesseykyzy

    Master's degree, teacher assistant



    Butobaуeva Aigerim Ardabekovna

    Master's degree, teacher assistant



    Bektybaeva Aizhan

    Master's degree, teacher assistant
