Educational and Methodical department of higher and postgraduate education
The purpose of the department is to manage the educational and methodological process and its systematic improvement through the use of advanced technologies and tools that enhance the effectiveness of the educational process and the quality of education.
- Planning and organization of the educational process;
- Organization of providing the educational process with educational, methodological and informational materials;
- Organization and control over the compilation by the educational of the calculation of the teaching load of teachers for the academic year and the analysis of the implementation of the teaching load during the academic year;
- Coordination of educational and methodical work of higher school and other departments to ensure the educational process;
- Planning and organization of work on the implementation of trilingual education;
- Preparation and approval of the schedule of training sessions;
- Monitoring of all types of professional practices;
- Organization of work on the preparation of masters, PhD doctors;
- Organization and holding of methodological conferences, seminars and trainings on improving the educational process.
- Implementation of long-term and current planning of the educational process;
- Staffing of the teaching staff for the academic year in conjunction with of faculties;
- Organization and control of the work on the preparation of the schedule of the educational process, the organization of their timely implementation;
- Monitoring the compliance of teaching staff with the schedule of training sessions and monitoring the workload and use of the classroom fund;
- Monitoring the timeliness of concluding contracts with practice bases;
- Control over the conduct of all types of professional practices in accordance with the approved academic calendar;
- Development of internal regulatory and instructional materials aimed at improving the educational and methodological process;
- Organization of work on the meetings of the Academic Council (AC) of the University;
- Implementation of the organization of the educational process within the framework of postgraduate education;
- Carrying out organizational work on the implementation of scientific internships for undergraduates and doctoral students;
39 doctoral students successfully defended their doctoral dissertation and received a PhD degree
Systematic expansion of the bases of scientific internships for undergraduates and doctoral students
2100 students have completed training through the international Coursera platform and 2500 certificates of course completion have been issued
Internationalisation of HELs
Менеджмент в образовании в условиях обновления срдержания образования
Технологии повышения эффективности профессиональной деятельности сотрудников вузов
Технологии повышения эффективности профессиональной деятельности сотрудников вузов
Технологии повышения эффективности профессиональной деятельности сотрудников вузов
Технологии повышения эффективности профессиональной деятельности сотрудников вузов
Технологии повышения эффективности профессиональной деятельности сотрудников вузов
Жаһандану жағдайында білім берудің жаңа трендтері және оны жүзеге асыру жолдары
Менеджмент в образовании
Менеджмент в образовании
Инклюзивті білім берудің ұйымдастырушылық-әдістемелік негіздері
Tungatova Venera
Head of the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education
Assylova Raushan
Chief Methodist of the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education
additional internal (1120)
Leading metodologist of the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education
additional inter nal (1120)
Leading metodologist of the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education
additional internal (1148)
Сoordinator of the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education
additional internal (1120)
methodologist of the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education
additional internal (1120)
coordinator of the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education
additional internal (1120)
Makanbekova Moldir
methodologist of the educational and methodological department of higher and postgraduate education
additional internal (1148)
senior methodologist of the educational and methodical department of higher and postgraduate education