- FULL NAME ___________________________________________________________
- Place of work _________________________________________________________
- Specialty (by diploma)_____________________________________________
- What difficulties did you find yourself insufficiently prepared for work? _______________________________________________________________________
- What did you have to learn on your own while working?
- What disciplines should be paid more attention to during training in ZhU named after I. Zhansugurov (allocate additional hours, special courses, seminars, etc.)?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- What additional disciplines would you recommend to include in the university curriculum?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- What forms and methods of teaching at the university are the most effective? And the most ineffective?
- What would you like to change in the system of training specialists?
- What do you think, what should the management of the university pay attention to in order to improve the quality of training of specialists? (Underline whatever applicable):
А) for theoretical training;
Б) for methodological training;
В) on the formation of professional and personal qualities;
Г) at the level of mastery of innovative methods and techniques;
Д) on communicative qualities.
- In your opinion, does the list of specialties for which the university trains meet the needs of the region? If not, what specialties do you consider the most in demand today?
- Are you going to continue your studies in a master’s (doctoral) program? If so, at which university?