Rysbekov Kadyr
Academic degree: candidate of philosophical sciences, acting associate professor
Post: Dean of the Higher School of Humanities
- 1991-2001 studied in the city of Karaganda at the Karaganda State University named after Buketov and was educated as a teacher-philosopher.
- 2006 у. Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, Candidate of the Department of Social Philosophy.
- 2010 у. Candidate of philosophical sciences, the topic of the candidate’s work: “Historical and philosophical significance of Kazakh proverbs and sayings».
- In 2016, he was awarded the certificate of honor “For activities in the field of education”.
- In 2020, he was awarded the medal ” Patriot of Kazakhstan”.
- Monograph. Historical, Philosophical, personal and educational significance of Kazakh proverbs and sayings. Taldykorgan, 2012.
- Training manual. Social pedagogy. Taldykorgan, 2014.
- Scientific project. Historical and philosophical, legal and social ways of forming national values among young people. Taldykorgan.
- Mediterranean Journal of Social Science. Training of specialist of helping professions in the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2015. – V.6. – Iss. 2S4. – P. 111-114.
- The Magazine “Asian Social Science”. Pecularities of Professional Training of Speciacialists of Helping Professions Canada, June 2015.
- «Improving the management system on a new path of development of Kazakhstan» – Constitutional reforms in Kazakhstan: Republican scientific and practical conference «New mechanisms for the development of the state with the modernization of society». Almaty, 29.03.2017
- «Formation of general cultural competence of students in the educational process»– Science and Life, No. 6/1, 2019
- «Philosophical problems of language in the works of Akhmet Baitursynov» – The World of Man, 1(79), 2019
- «State policy of kazakhstan in the field of higher and postgraduate education» – Modern science №05, Vol. 11.2020