

By the decision of the Competition Commission, the following teaching staff are recommended to participate in the Republican stage of the competition “The Best University teacher” in 2022: 1. Tukenova Natalia Iembergenovna — PhD, lecturer-lecturer 2. Shomshekova Balkhia— E.G.K., Associate Professor 3. Rakhymbekov Aitbay Zhaparovich — Ph.D., Associate Professor 4. Gavrilova Ekaterina Nikolaevna — Doctor …

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Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov will host a meeting with students for master’s and doctoral studies in the 2022-2023 academic year within the framework of the state educational order on the issues of mandatory three-year working out.


Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov will host a meeting with undergraduate students in the 2022-2023 academic year within the quota and the state educational order on the issues of mandatory three-year working out.

Тraining seminar

On November 09, 2022, the Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the University of Vilnius Rimantas Želvys held a training seminar for university employees on the topic “Experience of teacher training” In order to implement the program of external academic mobility of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology”, a habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences, …

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SEMINAR FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS AND DOCTORAL STUDENTS ON THE TOPIC «Quantitative and qualitative methods in scientific research» On November 9, 2022 doctor of physics, head of the department computer science of Daugavpils University (Latvia, Daugavpils) Ignatjeva Svetlana held a seminar on “Quantitative and qualitative methods in scientific research”. The seminar was attended by young scientists, …

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On November 08, 2022, the Academic committee of the Higher School of Natural Sciences together with the project office for the renewal of educational programs held a meeting with c.ph-m.s., head of the department computer science of Daugavpils University Ignatjeva Svetlana. At the meeting, issues of the content and implementation of the training of teachers …

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Training seminar

Training seminar for university employees on the topic “Experience of teacher training” In order to implement the program of external academic mobility of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology”, a habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the University of Vilnius (Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius) Rimantas Želvys has been lecturing at the Zhetysu University named …

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On November 7, 2022, a seminar on “Key Issues of Contemporary Research” was held by Rimantas Želvys, a habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor at the University of Vilnius (Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius) In order to implement the program of external academic mobility of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology”, a habilitated Doctor of Social …

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Guest lecture

Guest lecture on «Involvement in work and psychological well-being of a teacher» On November 4, 2022, Doctor of Physics, Associate Professor of Daugavpils University (Latvia, Daugavpils) Ignatjeva Svetlana held a guest lecture on «Involvement in work and psychological well-being of a teacher». The lecture presented the results of a study of the involvement in work …

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