Karbozova Zhanar
Academic degree:
master of Pedagogical Sciences
Position: teacher-lecturer
- In 1991-1995, he studied at the sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University in Ust-Kamenogorsk, where he received the qualification of a teacher of “geography and Natural Science”.
- In 2011-2013, he studied at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in Almaty, where he received an academic master’s degree in Pedagogical Sciences.
- The use of electronic learning tools in the process of forming the cognitive interest of students. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. “Science, education and innovation are the main factors in the implementation of the strategy: The Kazakhstan – 2050”. – Taldykorgan, 2015. – p. 336-339.
- The use of electronic educational resources in the educational process. Science and the World. International Journal No. 1 (29), 2016. volume 3 (РИНЦ) info@scienceph.ru scienceph.ru
- Preparation of the future teacher in the university for the design of electronic educational resources. Preparation of the future teacher in the university for the design of electronic educational resources / / Bulletin of the Tajik National University (scientific journal), №3/8 (216).2016. – Pp. 314-318.
- PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN OF ELECTRONIS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES. Intermational Journal of Educational Research Economics Year: 2016/Volume: 80(s.e.) / Lssue:3/ Page No.: 31-36/ISSN : 0883-0355
- Some problems in the preparation of students of pedagogical universities for the design of electronic educational resources. Baltic Humanitarian Journal. Vol. 6. № 3(20). 2017. – Pp. 162-165
- Developing the skills of students of pedagogical universities to design electronic educational resources. Azimut of scientific research: Pedagogy and Psychology. Vol. 6. № 3(20). 2017. – Pp. 122-125.
- Azimut of scientific research: Pedagogy and Psychology. Vol. 6. № 3(20). 2017. – Pp. 122-125.