Konysbekova Makpal

Degree: master of juridical sciences

Position: teacher - lecturer


  •  2011, Zhetysu state university named after I.Zhansugurov, 5В011500 – Basics of law and economics, bachelor of education.

  • 2016, Zhetysu state university named after I.Zhansugurov,  6М030100 –Jurisprudence, master of juridical sciences. 


  • In the field of scientific activity, he has 2 copyright certificates, is the author of about 30 scientific works, including 3 textbooks, 26 scientific articles.

Scientific works

  • «Factors affecting the effectiveness of punishment» // international popular scientific journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”, №4 (60), 2018 . – Астана. – P.135-138 6.
  • The general organization of the masses with corruption // international popular scientific journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”, №4 (60), 2018. – Астана. – P.139-142
  • Айтимов Б.Ж. Ашимова Д.И., Нұрбек Д.Т., Конысбекова М.Р., Молдабеков Б.Е., Садуакасова Л.Б. Theory of operational and search activities: Textbook. ISBN 978-601-216-537-1
  • Aitimov B., Nurbek D., Konysbekova M. «State-legal support of non-profit organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil society developmen» // The scientific heritage (Budapest, Hungary) No 47 (2020) – P.3-5
  • «The concept of liability for environmental criminal offenses and its basis» // international popular scientific journal “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”, №10/2 (142), 2020. – Астана. – P.97-102
  • Айтимов Б.Ж. Бекежанов Д.Н., Конысбекова М.Р. Environmental criminal offenses: Textbook. ISBN 978-601-216-690-3