Rahipova Saira Kasymovna
Degree: candidate of Philosophy
Position: Head of the Department
Education: higher
Educational institution: kaznu. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Specialty: 09.00.03-philosophy
Year of graduation: 1999
Qualification: philosopher, teacher of philosophy
Information about the academic degree:
Academic degree: candidate of philosophy
Specialty: 09.00.03-philosophy
Year of issue: 2010
Research interests: ethno-cultural heritage, philosophical trends of the 20th century.
Courses taught:
- Philosophy
- Political Science
1.For his contribution to the socio-cultural development of Zhetysu, strengthening interethnic friendship, preserving the unity and integrity of the people, he was awarded a certificate of Honor by the Akim of Almaty region. Taldykorgan 2019
2.Thanks have been announced to the Department of national security of Almaty region for their contribution to national security. Taldykorgan 2019
Scientific works
1.” Problems of ethnic identification in the context of globalization ” Bulletin of Kazu No. 4, 2014.
2. N. Baigabatova, A. Tolamissov, S.Rakhipova, D. Ashimova, O. Khuangan, K. Smagulov. Ethnocultural Identity Of Kazakhs Of Mongolia In Everyday Life // «Codrul Cosminului», XXIV, 2018, No. 1, P. 79-96 (Scopus)
3. N. Baigabatova, A. Tolamissov, S.Rakhipova, Z.Myrzataeva, G. Iskakova. Mobilization of Language as an Indicator of Ethnic Identity in the Social Practices of Kazakhs in Mongolia // Journal OPCION. 201935 (SpecialEdition24), Pp. 287-299
4. Rakhipova S. K., Baigabatova N. K. features of the formation of ethno-cultural identity in the context of globalization // Bulletin of Kaznpu. Series “sociological and Political Sciences”. – 2019. – №1 (65). – P. 66-70.
5. Rakhipova S. K., Baigabatova N. K. theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of” Diaspora”. Vestnik ZHSU. – 2019. – No. 1. – p. 210-215.
6. Rakhipova S. K., Baigabatova N. K. cultural values in the process of globalization / / collection of the 1st International Scientific and practical conference “promotion of modern Kazakh culture in the world”. – Taldykorgan, 2019. – op 178-183.
7. Baigabatova N. K., Rakhipova S. K., Ashimova D. features of the traditional food system of western Chinese Kazakhs in the past and present // materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Zhansugurov readings”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of I. Zhansugurov. – Taldykorgan, 2019. – Pp. 49-53.
8. Cultural heritage is an object of national unity. Monograph Rakhipova S. K. Taldykorgan 2019