Rakhimbekov Aitbai
Degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Position: associate professor
Educational institution: MCTI named after D.I. Mendeleev
Specialty: Technology of electrochemical productions
Year of graduation: 1986
Qualification: chemical engineer
Information about academic degree:
Scientific school: USSR Academy of Sciences, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
Scientific degree: Candidate of physical and matematical sciences
Specialty: 01.04.10 – physics of semiconductors and dielectrics.
- Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences dated 24.04.1996
Certificate of honor of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28.11.2006
12.05.2010.I. Altynsarin. medal
Certificate of honor of the Akim of Almaty region in 2012
10.06.2013 professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10.06.2013 member of the Encyclopedia “famous scientists of Russia” of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2014..Wilhelm Leibniz medal
2016 Honored Worker of Science and technology, Ras
13.04.2016 Diploma of the 1st degree, for the best scientific article, Moscow.
2017. Isaac Newton, named after
27.09.2017. I. Zhansugurov . the horse. Medal, ZHANSUGUROV ZHSU,
Member of the Encyclopedia ” pride of Kazakhstan: education and science.
10.05.2019 Diploma of the 1st Degree “100 best physicists”, Astana.
28.01.2019 Diploma of the 2nd degree, “creative initiative of a teacher”, Astana, NMO ” ZIAT»
2019 Diploma of the 3rd degree of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.R & D, for scientific management
30.12.2019 Diploma of the 2nd degree “best teacher” Astana, IAB RK
Scientific works
1. Сalculation of electrode processes on superionics, ХXXIX inter. Sci.and practical conference «European research: innovation in science, education and
technology» April 8-9, 2018 London, United Kingdom, p.16-18;
2. Superion technologicalcamera, European science, №3 (35), 2018г.;
3. Электрическая деградация суперионика, Журнал ВАК, Успехи современного естествознания. –г.Москва, 2018. – № 3. – С. 33-38;
4. Preparation of a Semiconductor Film with the Aid jf a Superionic, Key Engineering Materials,ISSN: 1662-9795, Vol.771,pp.130-135, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.771.130 2018 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland;
5. Получение пленок VO2 в контролируемой атмосфере с помощью суперионика, «Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований»,№8(часть 2), 2017г., стр.209-215.