Diploma SHV No. 352995 Economics and Management qualification economist Kazakh Institute of Consumer Cooperatives. city of Karaganda
Scientific works
- The Coefficient Of The Differential quequation of The Transfer Movement Of The Conveyor Belt. Life Science journal 2014; 11(7).. http://www.lifesciencesite.com. 55-60 bet. 4/8/2014.
- Effect of high-temperature aging on the structural-phase transformations of the dispersion-hardening alloy 47KHNM. Proceedings of the XI International Scientific Conference “Education and Science for the XXI Century-2015”, volume 7, Sofia, October 17-25, 2015 42-48 b.
- Cryptographyalyk zhuyeni okytu-zaman talaby. Journal “Bulletin of Science and Creativity”, Kazan. January 2016 135-142 b.
- The use of interactive teaching methods in computer science lessons as a means of self-development of students. Journal “Science Time”: International scientific and practical conference “Society of Science and Creativity” Kazan, February 2016. Pages 614-621.
- Basic questions of cryptographic system training. Journal “Bulletin of Science and Creativity”, Kazan. April 2016, pp. 206-209.