The Board of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, being the executive body, manages the current activities. Meetings of the Management Board are held on a scheduled monthly basis. Unscheduled meetings may also be called as necessary.
The Management Board is headed by the Chairman of the Management Board – Rector, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Altynsarin KAO Baimyrzayev Kuat Maratuly.
The Management Board makes decisions on any issues of the Company’s activities that are not referred to the competence of other bodies by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Charter.
Thus, the Board shall develop and submit for approval to the Board of Directors organizational structure, Plan development Companies, according to the documents adopted for the organization of activities of the company, approves educational programs of higher and postgraduate education in accordance with SES on the basis of the decision of the academic Council and carries out other activities designed to implement the decisions of the Sole shareholder and the Board of Directors.
The Academic Council of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, which is one of the forms of elected collegial management of a higher educational institution, is regulated by the work plan approved for the academic year.
Chairman of the Academic Council shall be the Chairman of the Board – rector K. M. Baimurzaev.
Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council of the ZHU named after I. Zhansugurov Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Auyelbekova Bakytzhan Alpamyshovna
Phone number: +7(728)232-84-07, +7(728)222-21-23 (11-09)
Currently, the activities of the Academic Council, based on the principles of leadership, corporate responsibility, commitment and active participation of all members, have become the main prerequisite for the development and maintenance of an effective and efficient quality management system in order to achieve progress in all areas of the university.
For the successful implementation of management, the Academic Council is not only guided by a systematic and transparent way, but also forms an internal potential for the full involvement of all levels of the team in the process of systematic improvement.
Maintaining feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of processes is carried out through systematic monitoring of the implementation of constructive decisions of the Academic Council, based on the analysis of real facts and information.
In addition to the issues of educational, scientific, educational and professional orientation work, the Academic Council considers topical issues due to time: international accreditation of the university; financial and economic stability and administrative and economic activities; the main directions of the formation of the student body, etc.
Thus, the Academic Council, which has become the driving force for improving the activities of the entire organization, strives to manage processes in a timely manner, to solve current and future problems in a mobile and flexible way, to identify the main and auxiliary processes in order to avoid risks and achieve maximum results.