Әлбатырұлы Ілескен

Ylesken Albatyr

Academic degree: master

Position: senior Lecture


Information about high knowledge

Educational institution: Kazakh national university named after Al-Farabi

Profession: 5В050400 – Journalist

Year of graduate: 2011

Qualification: Bachelor of social sciences.


Information of Akademis degree

Educational institution:  Kazakh national university named after Al-Farabi

Profession: 6М050400 – Journalist

Year of graduate:2015

Qualification: Magistr of social sciences.


  1. Jubilee medal in honour of the 75 – anniversary of the Kazakh National University named-after al-Farabi.
  2. Awarded thanks letter from akim of Almaty region Ansar Musahanov for propaganda President’s traditional message and programs aimed at social-economic development of the country for population among the population of region. Тaldykorgan, 2012.
  3. Certificate of Participation. International Kazakh-Polish Seminar «The Main Problems of Post-Soviet Area. Politics – Society – Security» Toryn 26 February 2014
  4. Certificate. From 17.02.2014 to 28.02.2014 participated in the following academic lectures, seminars and meetings, which took place at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
  5. Certificate of Participation. Who took part in academic lectures, seminars and meetings, conducted in Russian and English on Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. 28 February 2014


Scientific study

  1. Republican scientific seminar for young scientists «БИЗНЕС, ЭКОНОМИКА, ЖУРНАЛИСТИКА ЖӘНЕ КОММУНИКАЦИЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯЛАРЫН ЗЕРТТЕУ» 13th of December in 2013 year.Almaty 21-page//How to write Kazakh history in the stream of history.
  2. Abstracts of the international scientic conference for students and young scientifics named «І ХАЛЫҚАРАЛЫҚ ФАРАБИ ОҚУЛАРЫ» «ФАРАБИ ӘЛЕМІ» Kazakhstan,8-11April in 2014- year.15-Page.//propaganda of Kazak history in the press.
  3. «Елдің интеллектуалды әлеуеті»within the governmental program. I -International humanitarian forum named «МӘҢГІЛІК ЕЛ – ҰЛТТЫҚ ИДЕЯСЫ: МӘДЕНИ КАПИТАЛДЫ ҚАЛЫПТАСТЫРУ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ» 4th December of 2014.Almaty,194-page.//How the Kazakh history propaganda in the press?
  4. International scientific cognitive journal named «Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» №4(60) 2018-year.Astana,274-page//Recognition and propaganda of Kazakh history in the press?
  5. Materials of the XV International scientific and practical conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral PhD students in the framework of the program “Youth, Science and Innovation”, the Presidential Program “Orientation to the Future:
  6. Spiritual Modernization” and “Year of Youth”, Volume II. Aktobe, – April 12, 2019, pp. 124-125 // «Cultural-historical research – the unusual path of spiritual rebirth».
  7. International scientific journal «Science and Life of Kazakhstan». Astana№4(81) S. 173-175 // «The flow of information and the global process».
  8. International scientific journal «Science and Life of Kazakhstan». Astana №5(3) S. 271-275 // «The role of the newspaper in journalism».
  9. POETICS AND IT’S FEATURES – MATERIALS of the international scientific-practical conference “GOLDEN HORDE – THE SOURCE OF KAZAKH STATEHOOD”  dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde. Taldykorgan; 29 оctober, 2020. «ZHETYSU UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ІLYAS ZHANSUGUROV»