Utegenov Erlan Kazbekovich
Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Position: Associate Professor (docent)
Educational institution: 1991. Karaganda Pedagogical Institute
Specialty: pre-conscription training and physical education
The topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “the pedagogical state of education of future defenders of the Fatherland in the educational process of secondary schools.”
- Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2011
- Awarded the badge “S. Altynsarina” for significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation 2012
- He was awarded a badge for his contribution to the education of young athletes of the NSCFC 2012 .
- He was awarded a certificate for participation in the World Universiade of the Russian Federation in Kazan 2013 .
- Awarded the academic title of Professor of SSMU (Semey State Medical University) in 2015.
- Winner of the title “Best University Teacher” 2018 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Letter of thanks for achievements in the X-Summer Universiade 2019
Author of more than 80 scientific articles, including 7 teaching aids.
“Self-preservation behavior of students in the context of sociological analysis”. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Innovative potential of science and education of Kazakhstan in the context of modern challenges and globalization of society”. October 28-29, 2016, Taldykorgan.
“Methods of personality diagnostics of the future defender of the Fatherland”. Scientific journal “Successes of Modern Natural Science” No. 9, Moscow, 2015.
“Theoretical prerequisites of the need for the formation of Kazakhstani patriotism”. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Science, education and innovation – factors in the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan–2050”. October 23-24, 2015. ZhSU, -Taldykorgan.
“The modern system of training a graduate of a pedagogical university in the specialty of physical culture and sports”. Monthly scientific journal “Young Scientist”. No. 6. Russia, Chita, 2015.
“The role of sports and physical culture in the sports and patriotic education of students”. Scientific journal “Master’s Student” № 5-6, 2014, Russia, Krasnodar.
“Formation of patriotism in secondary schools” International scientific and practical Conference “EDUCATION-SCIENCE-SOCIETY: problems and prospects of interaction” Astana October, 25-26, 2013
“Information culture of a specialist as a factor of innovative transformations in the field of physical culture and sports” International scientific and practical Conference “EDUCATION-SCIENCE-SOCIETY: problems and prospects for cooperation” October, 25-26, 2013
“Criteria for the formation of patriotism among future defenders of the Fatherland.” Scientific journal “Young Scientist”. – Problems and prospects of education development. (II) Materials of the International Correspondence Scientific Conference Russia. Perm, 2012.
“Prevention of drug addiction among students of pre-conscription age” Materialy VIII Miedzynarodowej naukowi-praktycznej konferencji “Naukowa prztstrzen Europa – 2012” Volume 16. Pedagogiczne nauki: Przemysl. Nauka i studia -96 str.Praha. Poland, 2012
“Monitoring of the formation of the personality of the future defender of the Fatherland” Scientific journal “Young Scientist” No. 8. Russia, -Chita.
BULLETIN OF KazNPU Psychology series No. 4(53) 2017. Utegenov E. Baigaliev A. “Formation of Kazakhstani patriotism in secondary schools through mass sports events.
” BULLETIN of KazNPU Psychology series No. 4(53) 2017. Utegenov E.E.Danabekov “Recreational opportunities of table tennis” “Zhogary oku oryndaryndagy sporttyk-bukaryk zhumystyn uyymdastyryluy”.
Utegenov E., Danabekov E. Scientific and practical journal “Science and Healthcare. No. 5 Families, 2015. The journal is included in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Control Committee in the field of image. and sciences of the MES RK.
“Application of Kazakh national games in physical education”.
Utegenov E., Berikbolov K. Scientific and Practical Journal “Science and Healthcare” Special Issue 5, 2016 ISSN 2410-4280.
Utegenov E.K., Nurdauletov E.N., Abuseytov B. Kasymbekov Zh. “Formation of Kazakhstani patriotism in secondary schools through mass sports events”. Publisher: Spain. Specialization: Social Sciences.
Utegenov E.K., Danabekov E.A., Eskaliev M.Z. Educational and methodical manual “Dene tarbiesinin theory of men adistemesi” 2016, ISBN 978-601-216-395-7.
Utegenov E.K., Sautov R.T., Berikbolov K.T., Danabekov E.A. Educational and methodical manual. “Alemdegi olympiadalyk kozgalystyn tarikhy” 2015, ISBN 978-601-216-3940.
Utegenov E.K., Eskaliev M.Z., Kasenov T.B. Educational and methodical manual “Shang sportty okytu adistemesi” 2016, ISBN 978-601-216-393-3
Utegenov E.K., Sautov R.T., “Basketball”. Educational and methodical manual in English. 2018, ISBN 978-601-7964-05-4.
Utegenov E.K., Eskaliev M.Z., Kasenov T.B., electronic educational and methodological manual. “Shang sportty okytu adistemesi” 2018.
E.Utegenov “Basketball men handball okytu adistemesi”. Educational and methodical manual. ISBN 978-601-216-492-3 2018.
E.Utegenov, G.Galieva., A.Dzhankuldukova “Study of the functional state of students” Web of Science journals ISSN 191-3494. 2018.