An introductory conference on educational (folklore) practice was held remotely on the Google Meet platform on February 03, 2022. The conference was attended by students of the 2nd year of educational programs 6B01703 – “Russian Language and Literature”, 6B01704 – “Russian Language and Literature in Schools with Non-Russian Language of Instruction” and the leaders of the practice, candidate of Philology, Associate Professor B.Auelbekova, master, teacher-lecturer K.Chesnokova and master, teacher-lecturer M.Abaideldanova.

Folklore practice is an important form of educational and independent scientific work of 2nd year students. The practice is a continuation of the theoretical course “Russian oral folk art”, from which, in fact, the literary education of future philologists begins. In the process of passing the practice, the ability to interpret folklore works as a phenomenon of the national and spiritual culture of the people is formed, to record, classify and systematize folklore material based on the study of the traditions and life of the people, to use the collected folklore and dialect materials in the educational process.

At the conference, the terms, rules for organizing and conducting educational (folklore) practice were announced; the basis of the practice is the Higher School of Humanities of our university.

During the conference, students asked their questions, to which they received specific, detailed answers.