TIR (Training in Robotics) – mobile application for robotics training

Project name: «TIR (Training in Robotics) – mobile application for robotics training». (project duration 12 months, 01.01.- 31.12.-2023)

Purpose: to teach teachers, students and schoolchildren, as well as other consumers, basic and level knowledge of educational robotics, circuit engineering and programming by using gadgets in on-line and off-line formats;

-to improve the basic and level knowledge of consumers on educational robotics to increase their competitiveness in the labor market;

– to contribute to the improvement of technological education as a factor of economic development.

Based on current needs, the tasks consist of:

– identification of consumer competencies for content correction;

-knowledge specification based on acceptable concepts;

-further improvement of the mobile application based on the analysis of the content of the Feedback tab, where consumers can discuss, leave comments, suggestions, etc.

 The relevance of the project is due to the fact that there is currently no targeted training and retraining of robotics teachers. In pedagogical science, a clear teaching methodology has not been developed and basically there is a spontaneous intuitive process in the system of additional education. Educational robotics is in the context of non-formal education and the lack of training resources is an urgent problem of the world order, as evidenced by the review of scientific and applied sources of the Web of Science, Scopus, MDPI, etc.

Novelty: Currently, innovation is actively implemented through ICT, through the creation of effective computer-oriented methodological training systems. This project is a modern tool in the system of a new generation digital educational resource, contributing to the intensification of education. The “TIR” on robotics training consists of an application, electronic methodological literature on robotics and schematic engineering; video materials on design and programming, etc. The proposed podcasts, the approach to the architecture of the application and the content are new and original.

Expected results:

-development of some aspects of the methodology of using robotics as a means of teaching disciplines such as physics, computer science, etc.;

-development of separate modules for the use of robotics as an interdisciplinary subject;

-conducting experimental work to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for the use of educational robotics and TIR in physics and computer science classes, etc.;

-publication of the results of activities;

-professional development of teachers through the use of TIR;

– creating a Web Site – TIR

-independent robotics education.

 The result will also be the improvement of technological education in general, which is a priority concept of the state for the formation of the economic superiority of the country; the provision of feasible assistance in replenishing production with qualified personnel.

The acquired skills will increase the level of digital literacy and the teaching process; increase efficiency within the updated content of education; the introduction of gamification elements will optimize the assimilation of material and increase the motivation of students.

Scientific director of the project:

Murat Auyelbek – doctoral student of I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University, master of Pedagogical Sciences “Physics”, Bachelor of Engineering and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

He has more than 10 publications, including 1 publication in the databases Web of Science and Scopus Q1, КОКСОН -4, domestic and international conferences – 5, books – 1, copyright – 1. ORCHID 0000-0002-7329-6901

Members of the research group:

Akpeyil Imanbetova – is a 3rd year undergraduate student “6B01502 “Mathematics-Computer Science”.

The winner of the III place in the online poetry contest “Tauelsiz el tiregi”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Winner of the 2nd place in the Start Up Orda competition of innovative ideas and projects with the support of Astana Hub. The winner of the 1st place in the nomination “Education” of the Republican project for the development of innovative activity “100 ideas for Kazakhstan” with the support of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The winner of the 3rd place in the competition of innovative ideas and projects “Zhetysu -Startup 2022”.

Arailym Zhailaubaeva is a 3rd-year undergraduate student “6B01502 Mathematics-Computer Science”. Winner of the 2nd place in the Start Up Orda competition of innovative ideas and projects with the support of Astana Hub. The winner of the 1st place in the nomination “Education” of the Republican project for the development of innovative activity “100 ideas for Kazakhstan” with the support of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Scientific internships and professional development

“Educational robotics with preschool children”, SKLAD Online Educational platform. Minsk, Belarus, Russia. 15.02.2021 – 16.03.2021

Participation in innovative projects:

Project topics:

1) Preparing future physics teachers to teach robotics at school.

2) Smart hat/collar

3) Patriotic education of preschool children through robotics.

 “TIR (Training in Robotics) – mobile application for robotics training”:

  • ZHETYSU-STARTUP 2022- 3rd place
  • Start Up Orda with the support of Astana Hub – 2nd place
  • Nomination “Education” of the Republican Project for the development of innovative activity “100 ideas for Kazakhstan” with the support of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 1st place.
  • List of publications and patents of the project executors for the period from 2018 to 2023
  1. «Робототехниканы орта білім беру оқу орындарына енгізу туралы», «XXI Ғасыр, Ғылым мен Инновация» атты жас ғылымдар мен білімгерлердің республикалық ғылыми – тәжірибелік конферециясының материалдары, 2018 ж. Талдықорған қ.
  2. «Робототехниканы қолдану жолдары», «XXI Ғасыр, Ғылым мен Инновация» атты жас ғылымдар мен білімгерлердің республикалық ғылыми – тәжірибелік конферециясының материалдары, 4-5 сәуір 2019 ж. Талдықорған қ.
  3. «Робототехниканы қолдану негіздері», «Жастар – Білім, Ғылым, Қоғамның қозғаушы күші», халықаралық ғылыми – тәжірибелік конференция материалдары, 25 – 26 қазан, 2019 ж. Талдықорған қ.
  4. «О применении элементов образовательной робототехники в школе», Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы, «Білім беру мен педагогиканың қазіргі жағдайы мен даму болашағы», сәуір 2020 ж.
  5. «Применение образовательной робототехники в педагогическом процессе», Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №2(70), 2021 г.
  6. «Педагогические аспекты преподавания робототехники на основе онлайн симуляторов», Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», 2(74), 2022 г.
  7. «Акт мәнмәтінінде білім беру робототехникасы, физика және информатика коллаборациясының педагогикалық мүмкіндіктері», Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки», №3(75), 2022 г.
  8. «Analysis of Studies in the Literature on Educational Robotics», https://www.tused.org/index.php/tused/issue/view/71, 2022.
  9. «ФИЗИКАНЫ ОҚЫТУДА БІЛІМ БЕРУ РОБОТОТЕХНИКАСЫН ҚОЛДАНУ», МАТЕРИАЛЫ международной научно-практической конференции «ПОКОЛЕНИЕ БУДУЩЕГО: ОПЫТ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ НАУКИ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ», посвященной 50-летию университета, Талдықорған, 2022.
  10. «ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ОНЛАЙН- СИМУЛЯТОРОВ В ИЗУЧЕНИИ И ПРЕПОДАВАНИИ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ РОБОТОТЕХНИКИ», Халықаралық конференция, Литва No. 120 (2022): 1st ISPC «Recent Advances in Global Science» (August 16-18, 2022; Vilnius, Lithuania)., С. 56-62 https://archive.interconf.center/index.php/conference-proceeding/article/view/1104
  11. Инновационные технологии в высшей школе: Учебное пособие. А.К. Алимов, Б.А. Ауелбекова, М.А. Ауелбек – Талдыкорган: Жетысуский университет имени И.Жансугурова, 2022 – 133 стр.
  12. Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом, №22776 от «31» декабря 2021 года.