Regional competition of research projects

On 30.05.2023, the regional competition of research projects among graduate students (grades 9, 10, 11) was held at the Higher School of Natural Sciences of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov schools in Zhetysu region. The purpose of the competition is to identify and develop students’ creative abilities and interest in knowledge in the field of information technology and robotics. The place was taken by students of the school №20 of the Lyceum Yerantalov Yerdos, Kim Timur with projects “Development of a system for managing IoT sensors for notification of gas leaks and fire”. Ⅱ the place was taken by a student of secondary school № 2 from the city of Usharal Serikbosyn Balgyn with the project “Creating a mobile alphabet application in the APP inventor program” and Imataev Sultangali, a student of the secondary school-lyceum № 18 named after Baktybai Tigrasula “Smart Greenhouse”, Ⅲ the place was taken by a student of secondary school № 1 from the city of Usharal Sultan Bekzada with the project “Lazer Safety mechanism”, Lyceum School №20 students Zhunuskhan Ayaulym, Askarovna Sabina “Robot bartender” and a student of secondary school №6 named after A. S. Makarenko Myrzan Dinmuhamed won the project “Creating a mobile application in the MIT APP INVENTOR environment”.