Study trip of students to the observatory on the Kamensk plateau of Almaty

09.10.23, a scientific study trip of the students of gr.FIPk-411 took place under the guidance of the Faculty of the Higher School of Physics and Mathematics named after I.Zhansugurov OP of the physico-mathematical direction: Ph.D., associate professors, associate professors Rakhymbekov A. Zh., Shakenov M.B., M.P.N., lecturer lecturer Kuatbaeva D.E., to the observatory on the Kamensk plateau of Almaty. During the excursion to the observatory, an introductory lecture on the atlas of the starry sky was listened to, read by the scientific staff of the Astrophysical Institute and surveyed the night starry sky with pleasure. The students had a rare opportunity to look at the constellations of Lyra, Cygnus, Cassiopeia, the double star of the constellation Cygnus and the rings of the planet Saturn, the giant Jupiter and the Earth’s Moon. Teaching staff and students of the Physics and Mathematics department of the I. Zhansugurov ZHU sincerely thank the university administration for the assistance provided during the trip to the observatory in Almaty.