Тraining seminar

The Department for the Development of Languages of Zhetysu region together with the Higher School of Humanities of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov held a training seminar on the topic: “Kopshilik aldynda soz soileu: korkem soileu, soz adebi”. The main purpose of the organization of the event is to promote the formation of literate and literary speech skills among young people with the qualitative implementation of language policy.

The event was attended by a well-known scientist, head of the Akhmet Studies Department of the Akhmet Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, Doctor of Philology, Professor Kuralai Kuderinova, a well-known journalist, TV presenter Moldir Dospaeva and the Head of the regional educational and methodological center “Til” Zhenis Zholdybaev.

The speakers who spoke at the meeting shared valuable opinions about language processes, ways of forming literary speech and the meaning of public speaking. They also talked about common mistakes in speech behavior.

According to the questions and information raised, the students received meaningful answers to various questions of interest.