Teacher calls on to educate every child as a citizen loving his nation. His upbringing is a school of good patriotism, the basis of respect for unity. In this regard, on November 15, the university hosted the game “AQYL BATTLE” in accordance with the plan of pedagogical practice. The aim of the game “Aqyl Battle” is to popularize knowledge, strengthen mental cognition and knowledge of students. Students of 1-4 courses of the specialty Kazakh language and literature took part in this game. The game, launched with the aim of increasing young people’s motivation for education, training and competitiveness, consisted of several stages.

Stage I. Introduction to Linguistics

Stage II. The World of grammar

Stage III. The world of literature

Stage IV. Great personalities

Stage V. Who knows?

It is gratifying that the teams “Kozaiym”, “Korkem-ai”, “ZHU zhauharlary” took part in the game. All participants showed their knowledge and skills in the game, that they are prepared to the highest degree. As a result of the game, the participants were awarded diplomas and a “Asyl Kazyna” bookstore sertificates. We thank the students for increasing the intensity of the educational process through the organization of the intellectual game “AQYL BATTLE” by the adviser of undergraduates  G.T. Syrlybayeva and 2nd year undergraduates.