The Latin expression “Docendo discimus” was chosen for the title of this note for a reason. Seneca’s words “Teaching – we learn” accurately convey the main meaning of the pedagogical practice of undergraduates that took place during four weeks.

The final week of practice of second-year undergraduates of the OP “Russian Language and Literature” was marked by a whole series of open classes.

On November 14, an open practical lesson on foreign literature of the 20th century was held by master’s student Yulia Lyatyeva, who developed a number of interesting tasks for fourth-year students on the topic “Works of J.P.Sartre and A.Camus as an artistic embodiment of the ideas of existentialism”. On November 15, undergraduates Ildar Asatulin and Naina Rustamova held open practical classes on the literature of French classicism in groups RYAL-211 and RYALNYAO-212. Asatulin I.D., together with second-year students, tried to reveal the features of the tragedy of Pierre Corneille and the specifics of the heroic category. Rustamova N.M. turned to the genre of comedy and held a lesson in the form of a “literary battle” of two teams.

As the supervisor of the undergraduates, Candidate of Philological Sciences Chsherbovskikh Irina Gennadievna emphasized, the success of the trainees in the test classes was preceded by serious preparatory work. They attended lectures and practical classes of leading specialists of the OP, studied scientific and methodological literature, read and reread works of art, themselves conducted lectures and practical classes on various historical and literary disciplines from students of different courses. Therefore, the open final classes of undergraduates Rustamova N.M., Lyatieva Yu.A. and Asatulin I.D. became a bright and expressive final chord.

It should be noted that in many ways, the second and fourth year students of the OP of Russian language and literature helped their young teachers. The students not only prepared well for the classes and demonstrated a deep knowledge of the topic, but also were able to show their bright talents and abilities by performing various creative tasks.

It is especially necessary to highlight the performances at the practical classes of students Abubakirova Milana, Kalyuk Elina, Klinchuk Alyona, Zhumagalikyzy Akzhunis, Abayev Askhat, Meirmanova Aida, Amanova Nazira, Kuanzhan Dilnaz. It should be noted the magnificent performance of actors Slamhul Indira and Nazar Zhandos, who performed the main roles in the dramatization of an excerpt from Moliere’s play.

The pedagogical practice has come to an end. Undergraduates summarize the results, and teachers and students of the OP of Russian language and literature wish them new successes!