On 29 November 2024 at the Abaі Kazakh National Pedagogical University in Almaty took place the ІІІ International Youth Scientific Forum ‘Issues of development of natural sciences and education in the context of sustainable development goals’.
Students of the 1st year of the educational programme 6В05201-Ecology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering of Zhetysu university named after I.Zhansugurov Serikkyzy Nurai and Adilbekova Alua have worthily represented their university at this significant event! The scientific supervisor is the teacher-lecturer, Master Mukhitdinova R.A.
The main purpose of the forum is to analyse the trends in the development of modern natural sciences and education in accordance with the ideas of sustainable development. Conferences and discussions with the participation of leading foreign experts took place within the framework of the forum, which allowed the participants to exchange experience and discuss topical issues.
Such events are the key to future success!