Educational program6B01511 Geography-Natural science
EP purpose  Training of highly qualified, competitive teaching staff in geography and Natural sciences, capable of solving socially significant tasks in the field of education at a creative and highly professional, modern scientific and practical level
EP type New EP
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
The awarded academic degreebachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationRussian, Kazakh
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardpedagogue
                               Learning outcomes:
1to explain of the general theoretical provisions of the sections of natural science disciplines
2to possess the skills of organizing, staging, analyzing, generalizing and evaluating the results of a natural geographic experiment for conducting topographic surveys, determining landforms, identifying rocks and minerals
3to apply innovative approaches to understanding socially significant phenomena and processes in the legal, business, industrial, intercultural environment
4to apply research methods and academic writing to develop and implement research results in practice, respecting the principles of academic integrity
5to organize the educational process in the context of the updated content of secondary education, taking into account the physiological and functional characteristics and individual educational needs of students
6to plain the geography and natural science lessons, applying innovative technologies of teaching and assessing educational results in the context of the updated content of education
7to conduct general geographic, field research using statistical, mathematical, cartographic methods for processing geographic information, using GIS technologies
8to analyze and evaluate the development of the laws of the relationship between nature and society; factors affecting living organisms and the environment
9to make an analytical review of the current state of socio-economic, physical-geographical and political processes
10to develop curricula in natural geography education, using effective methods and technologies of teaching geography and natural science