Educational program7M04107 Economic cybernetics
EP purpose Training of highly qualified specialists-analysts in the field of formation and implementation of effective solutions to socio-economic problems based on economic and mathematical methods and modern information technologies
EP typeNew EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study2
Volume of the credits120
Language of educationRussian, Kazakh, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
                               Learning outcomes:
1possesses the methodology of scientific knowledge, is able to analyze and evaluate the content and level of philosophical and methodological problems in solving problems of research and innovation;
2applies economic and mathematical models in solving planning tasks, predicts the development of the economic system and individual indicators of its functioning;
3speaks a foreign language for communication in an interdisciplinary and scientific environment, in various forms of international cooperation, research and innovation; uses economic methods in the analysis of any object with the help of acquired knowledge and appropriate special methods;
4Analyzes management problems and their consequences, suggests possible solutions using modern information technologies; summarizes the results of research and analytical work.
5develops models in accordance with the studied economic phenomenon; defines effective methods for conducting a feasibility study; optimizes algorithms for solving problems associated with mathematical and computer modeling of economic systems.
6compares mathematical methods for assessing economic activity; offers technologies for processing, analysis and systematization of information;
7models economic phenomena and processes at the micro and macro level using information technology, computer programs and management skills.
8Manages business processes, business projects using the appropriate software, evaluates economic risks using mathematical modeling.
9assesses the state of socio-economic processes in the context of the development of globalization processes.
10assesses the importance of professional development and available resources to keep up with new developments in the field of business management; uses a system analysis of economic indicators and forecasts of the economic state of the enterprise, region or industry;
11develops analytical skills for diagnostics, evaluation, problem solving, and finding business opportunities, high-level language applications using visual application development environments, and maintains and develops appropriate computer software systems;
12summarizes the results of research and analytical work in the form of a dissertation, scientific article, analytical report and uses expert systems for business processes.