Information about higher education:
Educational institution:KazGU named after Al-Farabi
Specialty: Philosophy
Year of graduation: 1998 y.
Qualification: philosopher, teacher of philosophy
Educational institution: ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov
Specialty: Pedagogy and Psychology
Year of graduation: 2010 y.
Qualification: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
Educational institution: KazNPU named after Abai
Specialty: Pedagogy and Psychology
Year of completion: 2013 y.
Qualification: PhD in Pedagogy and Psychology
Academic degree: PhD
Specialty: 010300 Educational psychology
Year of assignment: 2014 y.
The topic of the doctoral dissertation: The development of academic mobility of students in modern conditions
scientific study
Total-54; for the last 3-years:
- Psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of social qualities of school students// Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai , Psychology series, No. 1,2017, 63-68 p.
- Competence-based approach in education (epistemological approach)//Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2018, 82-87 s
- Efficiency as a basis for quality management of higher education//Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2018,71-75 s
- Quality of education as a key aspect of the educational space of the Republic of Kazakhstan// Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2018, 91-96 p
- The essence of the content of the concept of “Humanitarian technologies”//Bulletin of PSU No. 4,2018, 52-60 p
- Elective courses – individual orientation choice/ / Bulletin of PSU No. 4,2018, 52-60
- The main aspects of conceptual approaches in the modernization of teacher education//Science and life of Kazakhstan №1 (74), 2019, 395-400c
- Oriented approach to the course as a psychological and pedagogical basis for university management / / Bulletin of PSU No. 1,2019,
- Pedagogical foundations of the philosophy of education//Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2019,
- Philosophy of education as a component of the paradigm//Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2019,
- Psychological conditions for the development of professional competence of future psychologist// The scientific heritage № 43 (2020)
- Development of academic mobility of students in Finland.//Science and life of Kazakhstan №5/3 2020
- Development of academic mobility of students in the Russian Federation.//Science and life of Kazakhstan №5/3 2020
Training manuals:
- The development of higher education: prospects, patterns, contradictions, 2018 y.
- Scientific-pedagogical and social problems of communication,2019 y.
- Methodological recommendations and the program of conducting bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies in the psychological and pedagogical direction of training, 2020 y.
- Methodology for the study of the emotional state of students with special educational needs, 2020 y.
- Guidelines for writing master’s projects, master’s thesis, 2020 y.
Electronic training manuals:
- Methodological recommendations and the program of conducting bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies in the psychological and pedagogical direction of training, 2020 y.
- Methodology for the study of the emotional state of students with special educational needs, 2020 y.
- Guidelines for writing Master’s projects, Master’s thesis, 2020 y.
Papers published at international and republican scientific conferences:
- Communication as the main factor in the development of a child’s speech//International Scientific and Practical Conference ” Priorities of Modern Science: from theory to Practice”
- Features of psychology of perception of educational material in mathematics / / Republican scientific and practical conference “Zhansugurov tagylymy” December 8, 2017 y.
- Psychology of primary school children// Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Zhansugurov readings” December 8, 2017 y.
- The use of Internet technologies in the process of preparing students in the conditions of additional education// International Scientific and Practical Conference “Priority Directions for the Development of Science and Education”, February 10, 2018 y.
- Genesis of the development of management Teri in education// International scientific and practical conference “Modernization of public consciousness-the basis of dynamic development of Kazakhstan”, 2018 y.
- Creative technologies in the formation of students intercultural communicative competence//Regional Scientific and Methodological Conference “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process – the basis of quality education”, 2018 y.
- Problems of formation of spiritual and moral values in the modern school//Republican Scientific and Theoretical Conference-Ult kundylygy-urpak ozegi, July 15, 2018 y.
- Bilim berudin zhanartylgan mazmuny shenberinde oku panderin okytuda act technologiyalaryn koldanu// Republican Scientific and Methodological Conference “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process – the basis of quality education” February 21, 2020 y.
- The essence of information and communication technologies / / Republican scientific and methodological conference “introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process-the basis of high-quality education” February 21, 2020 y.
- The concept of the process of forming the student’s readiness for pedagogical activity// Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Updated content of education: experience of the university and secondary school” Aktobe 2020 y.