Bazhenova Elmira

Degree: PhD

Position: senior lecturer


  • Information about higher education:
    Educational institution:KazGU named after Al-Farabi 
    Specialty: Philosophy
    Year of graduation: 1998 y.
    Qualification: philosopher, teacher of philosophy
    Educational institution: ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov
    Specialty: Pedagogy and Psychology
    Year of graduation: 2010 y.
    Qualification: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
    Educational institution: KazNPU named after Abai 
    Specialty: Pedagogy and Psychology
    Year of completion: 2013 y.
    Qualification: PhD in Pedagogy and Psychology
    Academic degree: PhD
    Specialty: 010300 Educational psychology
    Year of assignment: 2014 y.
    The topic of the doctoral dissertation: The development of academic mobility of students in modern conditions

scientific study

Total-54; for the last 3-years:

  1. Psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of social qualities of school students// Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai , Psychology series, No. 1,2017, 63-68 p.
  2. Competence-based approach in education (epistemological approach)//Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2018, 82-87 s
  3. Efficiency as a basis for quality management of higher education//Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2018,71-75 s
  4. Quality of education as a key aspect of the educational space of the Republic of Kazakhstan// Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2018, 91-96 p
  5. The essence of the content of the concept of “Humanitarian technologies”//Bulletin of PSU No. 4,2018, 52-60 p
  6. Elective courses – individual orientation choice/ / Bulletin of PSU No. 4,2018, 52-60
  7. The main aspects of conceptual approaches in the modernization of teacher education//Science and life of Kazakhstan №1 (74), 2019, 395-400c
  8. Oriented approach to the course as a psychological and pedagogical basis for university management / / Bulletin of PSU No. 1,2019,
  9. Pedagogical foundations of the philosophy of education//Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2019,
  10. Philosophy of education as a component of the paradigm//Bulletin of PSU No. 3,2019,
  11. Psychological conditions for the development of professional competence of future psychologist//   The scientific heritage № 43 (2020)
  12. Development of academic mobility of students in Finland.//Science and life of Kazakhstan №5/3 2020
  13. Development of academic mobility of students in the Russian Federation.//Science and life of Kazakhstan №5/3 2020

Training manuals:

  1. The development of higher education: prospects, patterns, contradictions, 2018 y.
  2. Scientific-pedagogical and social problems of communication,2019 y.
  3. Methodological recommendations and the program of conducting bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies in the psychological and pedagogical direction of training, 2020 y.
  4. Methodology for the study of the emotional state of students with special educational needs, 2020 y.
  5. Guidelines for writing master’s projects, master’s thesis, 2020 y.

Electronic training manuals:

  1. Methodological recommendations and the program of conducting bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies in the psychological and pedagogical direction of training, 2020 y.
  2. Methodology for the study of the emotional state of students with special educational needs, 2020 y.
  3. Guidelines for writing Master’s projects, Master’s thesis, 2020 y.

Papers published at international and republican scientific conferences:

  1. Communication as the main factor in the development of a child’s speech//International Scientific and Practical Conference ” Priorities of Modern Science: from theory to Practice”
  2. Features of psychology of perception of educational material in mathematics / / Republican scientific and practical conference “Zhansugurov tagylymy” December 8, 2017 y.
  3. Psychology of primary school children// Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Zhansugurov readings” December 8, 2017 y.
  4. The use of Internet technologies in the process of preparing students in the conditions of additional education// International Scientific and Practical Conference “Priority Directions for the Development of Science and Education”, February 10, 2018 y.
  5. Genesis of the development of management Teri in education// International scientific and practical conference “Modernization of public consciousness-the basis of dynamic development of Kazakhstan”, 2018 y.
  6. Creative technologies in the formation of students intercultural communicative competence//Regional Scientific and Methodological Conference “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process – the basis of quality education”, 2018 y.
  7. Problems of formation of spiritual and moral values in the modern school//Republican Scientific and Theoretical Conference-Ult kundylygy-urpak ozegi, July 15, 2018 y.
  8. Bilim berudin zhanartylgan mazmuny shenberinde oku panderin okytuda act technologiyalaryn koldanu// Republican Scientific and Methodological Conference “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process – the basis of quality education” February 21, 2020 y.
  9. The essence of information and communication technologies / / Republican scientific and methodological conference “introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process-the basis of high-quality education” February 21, 2020 y.
  10. The concept of the process of forming the student’s readiness for pedagogical activity// Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference “Updated content of education: experience of the university and secondary school” Aktobe 2020 y.