Assyl Kurakbayeva
Academic degree: candidate of the pedagogical science
Post: teacher lecturer
- Kazakh state women pedagogical Institute, Specialty «Russian and literature» with additional speciality «Рedagogics» 1977-1982.
- The topic of the doctoral dissertation:: “Preparation of primary school teachers for the introduction of the subject” Self-knowledge»
1. Certificate of Honor of the Scientific and practical, educational and health center ” Bobek “(2006);
2. Blogadarstvennoe letter of the Taldykorgan city maslikhat for high professionalism and active participation in the life of the city (2011);
3. Honorary diploma of the rector of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov for active participation in the public life of the university, responsibility, professional skills (2012).
4. Medal “Eren enbegi ush’in” 09.01.2017
5. Letter of thanks for active participation in the implementation of the state program “Rukhani zhangyru” and the article “Seven facets of the Great Steppe” at the ZHSU named after I. Zhansugurov (2019)
– Letter of thanks from the Vice-Rector for Innovation and Strategic Development of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov E. Andasbayev. (2020)
Scientific works
Position and place of work in this organization
Listofthetaughtdisciplines Основы военно-патриотического воспитания, профессиональный русский язык, работа с профессионально-ориентированным текстом, Management of physical culture and sports.
Period: Certificates / certificates of professional development with date or professional registration (according to the profile of educational programs and the subjects taught).
1 Methodology of scientific research. Kyiv national university of the name T. Shevchenko.14-27.11.2012.
2 Problems and prospects of education. “Young scientist”. Perm, 2012.
3 «Өзін-өзі тану – сүіспеншілік пен шығармашылық тағылымы. National research and practice and health center “Бөбек”. 2013.
4 E-government and electronic services. Propulsion MODULE is “National information technologies. 06.09.2013.
5 Courses «Эксперименттік психология және ғылыми жұмыстың математикалық статистикалық өнделуі, интеллектуалдық қабілеттерін жан-жақтылығын көрсету». Kazakh national university of the name Al-Farabi. 06.12.-08.12.2013.
6 Seminar «Современные инновации в образовании». Conducted professor of the Sofia university of the name «Св.Кл.Орхидски» Sika Chavdarova-Kostova. 03-15 ноября 2014.
7 «Military-patriotic education of young people in the process of modernisation of education». «Өрлеу» national center of in-plant training. Taldykorgan. 19.01.2015.-30.01.2015.
8 A management of quality is in education. On-line-training, Dusseldorf. 20.04.2015-02.05.2015.
9 Courses of English. Zhetysu State University named after I.Zhansugurov. 2015, 2016, 2017.
Publications and presentations:
Methodical recommendations -1, train aid -5, common amount of article -60
1 «Трансформация конфликтов у подростков допризывного возраста». MaterialyVIII mezinarodnivedecko-practickaconference “Veda a technologie: krok do budousnosti -2012” 7 27.02.2012-05.03.2012. Dil 14 filologickevedypsychologie a cociologie. Praha, 2012.
2 «Методика профилактики наркомании среди подростков допризывного возраста».MaterialyVIII miedzynarodowejnaukowi-praktycznejkonferencji “NaukowaprzestrzenEuropy -2012”. 07-15 kwietnia 2012. Volume 10. Pedagogicznenauki. Naukaistydia, Praha, 2012.
3 “Criteria of formed of patriotism for the future defenders of homeland” – cтатья in collection of international research and practice conference of “Problem and prospect of development of education” (ІІ) Perm, 2012. 28-32 б.
4 A “problem of military-patriotic education” is in collection of international research and practice conference of loud “Speaker of modern science”. Bulgaria, 2012.
56 “Monitoring of psychological readiness of youths of pre-military age to defence of Homeland” magazine the “Young scientist” №6 (4) /2012. Chita, Russia. 420-426.
6 “Monitoring of formed of personality of future defender of Homeland” magazine the “Young scientist” №8 (43) /2012. Chita, Russia. 349-353.
7 Battle traditions of the Kazakh people are basis of military-patriotic education of future teacher magazine the “Young scientist” – 2012. – №9. Chita, Russia. 309-312.
8 Подготовка будущего учителя к профориентационной работе. «Наука и мир». №2 (6), 2014.
9 «Актуальные вопросы военно-педагогического образованияв условиях глобализации». Журнал «Хабаршы» І.Жансүгіров атындағы ЖМУ. 2016.
10 “Motivation of servicemen as condition upgrading of military-professional activity” magazine of Shekhara – 2016. -№3 – С.32-35. Secret edition.
11 Post-Graduate military and professional education as the main form of improving the qualification of officers. Additional professional education under the conditions of modernization:materials of the ninth international scientific and practical Internet Conference. February-April 2017 / Ed. M. V. Novikova. – Yaroslavl: YAMPU.
12 criteria, indicators and indicators of the quality of educational activities of cadets and cadets. Materials of the scientific and practical conference. – VK Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 17 05.2017 . / Ed. P. Polivanova-Almaty, 2017.
13 aesthetic education involved in the process of Physical Culture and sports. Bulletin of physical education. / №4 2017.
Period: (The most important, in the last five years, no more than five publications on the profile of educational programs and the subjects taught) – title, co-authors (if any), place, date of publication / presentation.
New scientific developments:
Period: (Brief enumeration of new professional, developmental, authorship or co-authorship in scientific or experimental development).
Additional Information:
Period: (If there are additions, then you can indicate those important activities that are not marked in the resume list).