Department of Youth Policy
Purpose and charge of Department of Youth Policy: Formation of students’ citizenship, Kazakh patriotism, ability to work and live in the conditions of modern society.
Creating conditions to meet the cultural, creative organizational needs of students of the university.
- To organize a state youth policy at the university, to create the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural, moral, aesthetic and physical development;
- To form an optimal university environment aimed at educating students of high spiritual qualities, patriotism, hard work, responsibility and self-discipline;
- To ensure the successful adaptation of students to the conditions and regime of educational activities, psychological and legal readiness for future professional activity, the creation of additional conditions for the full development of students' personality and their creative potential during extracurricular time;
- Coordination of the activities of student self-government bodies (student clubs, volunteers, and other public associations);
- Organization of the work of the Student Assembly;
- Cooperation with government agencies, national and international youth organizations (the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan, the youth wing of Jastar Ruhy, the Youth Congress of Kazakhstan and other youth associations);
- To create conditions for the full-fledged development of youth in the name of the prosperity of the country: close cooperation with the Youth Congress of Kazakhstan;
- To preserve and enhance the traditions of the university, to promote its history, symbols, and the prestige of education at the I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University.
- Conducting cultural and mass intra-university events in all areas of student self-government in accordance with the plan;
- Promoting the creation of student associations and coordinating their work, contributing to the functioning of the student government system;
- Creation of a motivation system for physical education and sports, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the Healthy Universities project;
- Providing assistance to students in solving social issues (providing psychological assistance);
- Organizing and participating in university events, as well as facilitating the participation of ZHU student groups in events held by interuniversity associations for work with student youth;
- Interaction with all structural divisions of the University in solving issues related to youth policy;
- Providing assistance to student activists in organizing studies, conducting discussions on various aspects of student government;
- Organizing and conducting seminars and trainings on the development of vital skills (civic engagement, teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, responsibility, emotion management, etc.), competence and independence of youth;
- Education of citizenship and patriotism among young people, love for the Motherland, respect for state symbols;
- Conducting anti-corruption and crime prevention activities among students;
- Submission of the cost estimates for youth activities for approval;
- Ensuring the implementation of the University's strategic directions and achieving key indicators within its competence;
- Ensuring and monitoring the quality of the department's activities, risk management within its competence.
Cultural evening for students of 1-3 courses with the participation of 4th year students and graduates of the University "Studentter sabaqtastygy" 2022

Discussion meeting "ASHYK ALAN" in a free format to strengthen relations between teachers and students 2022

For the 50th anniversary of the University of the video contest "Zharty Gasyr" on the Tik-Tok 2022 platform

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the University "Historical Race" intra-university educational game quest 2022

Intellectual competition in the head play format "BB-BRAIN BATTLE" 2022

Letter of thanks for assistance in the implementation of the National project "Birgemiz: Bilim - 2020"

A letter of thanks for volunteering

We are in the ranks of MK "JAS OTAN"

"THE BEST STUDENT - 2020" among the universities of the country

"Leader - 2020"

"Leader - 2019"

"Leader - 2018"

Member of the "Best Student Academy"

Certificate for the Nationwide project "Birgemiz: Bilim" for the provision of volunteer activities