Lee Emma Victorovna
Academic degree: candidate of Philological science
Position: associate professor
Information about higher education:
Educational institution: Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov
Specialty: Russian language and Literature
Graduation year: 1976
Qualification: Philologist. A Teacher of Russian language and Literature
Information about academic degree:
Degree: Candidate of Philological science
Specialty: 10.02.01 Russian Language
Year of assignment: 1985
Thesis: The stylistic features of language means in the prose of V.G.Rasputin
Information about the academic status: Associate Professor
Year of assignment: 1990
– 03.12.2002 – Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
– 01/10/2015 – Badge “Y. Altynsarin “
Scientific study
- Lee E.V. Lexico-semantichesky analyze rasskaza V. Tokarev «Perelom»
- Materials of international conference “Dynamic process of literature and actual problems of modern philological education” Almaty, KazNU named after Al-Pharaby2010, p.149-155
- Lee E.V. Intertekstualnye vzaimodeistvya hudozhestvennykh proizvedenya . Materials of international scientific conference «Dynamic process of literature and problems of poetic». Almaty. KazNU, 2011
- Lee E.V. Analyze semanticheskoy organizatsy prozaichskogo texta .
- Materials of international scientific conference “Language-speech-word in philological research” dedicated to the 80th anniversary prof. Zueb R.C. Almaty, KazNY.,2012
- Lee E.V. Osobennosty psyhologycheskogo kharakterystyky personazha v hudozhestvennom proyzvedeny – Vestnik KazNY named after Al-Pharaby Philological Volume, №6 (152). Almaty, 2014.
- Lee E.V. Svoeobrazya ispolzovanya conseptov chelovek u vremya v poeme O. Suleymenova “ Zemlya, poklonys cheloveku” .- Vestnik ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov, № 4, 2015.
- Lee E.V. Dykhanye proshlogo v knyge O. Suleymenova “Kod slova” – Materials of international scientific conference “O. Suleymenov’s creativity and questions of national consciousness”, devoted to O. Suleymenov’s 80 anniversary. Almaty, KazNU, 2016.
- Lee E.V. Normatyvnye u okkazyonalnye upotreblenya phrazelogizmov v khudozhestvennom proyzvedenya.- Vestnik KazNY named after Al-Pharaby Philological Volume № 4 (162). Almaty, 2016.
- Lee E.V. The normative and occasional use of phraseological units in a work of art – Bulletin of KazNU. Al-Farabi. Philological Series No. 4 (162). Almaty, 2016.
- Lee E.V. The semantic connection of words in a work of art. – Bulletin of KazNU. Al-Farabi. Philological Series, No. 2 (166). Almaty, 2017.
- Lee E.V. On the study of the implicit content of a work of art. – Materials of the International scientific-practical. Conference “Actual issues of modern philology: theoretical and applied aspects”, dedicated 85th anniversary of academy Bagizbaeva M.M. (IX Bagizyaev readings). Almaty, April 28, 2017.
- Lee E.V. Analysis of prose literary text. Teaching aid (co-authored). – ZhSU named after I.Zhansugurova. Taldykorgan, 2018.
- The semantic proximity of lexical units in a work of art.
- Lee E.V. – International popular science magazine “science and life of Kazakhstan.”Philology, No. 4 (60), 2018. – Astana, 2018.P.278-282.
- Lee E.V. The influence of the ideological-figurative side of the work on changing the semantic structure of the word.
- Lee E.V.Materials of the International scientific and practical. Conference “Russian language and literature in the modern educational space: theory and practice.” – Almaty, Kazakhstan, 02.28. 2019.