The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology provides educational services on the specialties 5B010300 –Pedagogy and psychology, 5B010500-Defectology and educational programs of 6B01101-Pedagogy and psychology,6B01902 – Special pedagogy, 7M01101 – Pedagogy and psychology, 7M01902 – Special pedagogy, 8D01101 – Pedagogy and psychology.
Currently, at the department, educational-methodical, research and educational work is carried out by 32 teachers: head of the department PhD, acting ass. proffessor Sapargaliyeva A.Zh., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Abishev N.A., doctor of psychological sciences, professor Naubaeva X .T., Ph.D., associate professors candidates of pedagogical sciences: Nurzhanova T.T., Rysbekova R.M., Sydykbekova M.A., Zheksembaeva Zh.R., acting Associate Professor, PhD Bazhenova E.D., ., Acting Associate Professor Galieva Aigul Nursaitovna; masters: Shengelbaeva S.B., Akhmedieva K.N., Mamilina S.K., Tulepova S.I., Azanbekova G.T., Erzhanova G.Zh., Isabaeva Z.M., Shmidt M. A, etc. The degree of teaching staff of the department is 42%.
The scientific ideas of the department are concentrated on three scientific directions: the system of formation and development of the child’s personality as a subject of activity; integrative open developmental system of lifelong pedagogical education; innovative organization of training and education.
The main scientific and scientific-methodological projects of the department at the present time are the formation of the professional competence of the future teacher-psychologist and special pedagogues; pedagogy of correcting communication difficulties of children in the family; formation of a communicational culture of children; psychology of adolescents with deviant behavior.
Currently, the department actively cooperates with foreign universities, such as Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky (Russia), Sofia University named after St. Kliment Okhridsky (Bulgaria), St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work (Russia), Charles University, (Czech Republic).For doctoral students majoring in pedagogy and psychology, contracts have been signed with scientific consultants from foreign universities: Professor of Vilnius University (Lithuania) Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Rimantas Zeldis, International Kuwait University (Kyrgyz Republic) PhD Babayev D. B., Linguistic and Technical University (Poland) Doctor of Philosophy Professor Elzbieta Sternal, Sankt-Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (Russia) PhD, Professor O. N. Zhuravleva, Omsk State Pedagogical University (Russia) PhD, Professor Petrusevich A. A., Gazi University (Turkey) PhD , professores of Ugel Hellishly and Ibrahim Kisac.
In 1978, on the basis of the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy, a department of preschool pedagogy and a department of preschool pedagogy were opened, which in different years was headed by: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Sh.Zhanadilov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Ibragimov U.Sh., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Karetnaya A.D., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Aralbaeva R.K., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Menlibekova G.Zh.
- one of the leaders in the republic, developing the ideas of the Kazakh scientific school of pedagogy and psychology. On the basis of the Department of Pedagogy in 1990-1995, republican seminars and conferences are held with the involvement of scientists and practitioners of Kazakhstan; at the department in 1994, a temporary research team of the Ministry of Education and Science on the problems of the "Kazakh kindergarten program" was opened.
- backbone in the process of training psychology and pedagogy of the highest qualifications. The department trained specialists: teachers of pedagogy and psychology, methodologists for preschool education.
- at the turn of the 80-90s at the department, teachers defended their candidate dissertations: Ibragimov U.Sh. (Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin), Boberskaya T.A. (Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University named after Lenin), T.V. Kim (Moscow, Research Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences), Karetnaya A.D. (Almaty, Kazakh National Pedagogical Institute), Aralbaeva R.K. (St. Petersburg, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen), Menlibekov G.Zh. (Almaty, Kazakh National Pedagogical Institute), Taszhurekova Zh.T. (Kiev, Ukrainian State Pedagogical University), Imanbekov T.I. (Almaty, Kazakh National Pedagogical Institute), Pfeiffer E.V., Kalilakhanova K.T. and etc.
- graduates of the department Taszhurekova Zh.T. (Ukraine, Kiev), Menlibekova G.Zh. (Doctor of Pedagogy), Imanbekov T.I., Kim T.V. (Moscow, Russia), Prokofieva M.A., Nurakhunova A.A. (candidate of psychological sciences (Moscow, Russia), Pfeffer E.V., Sterlikova V.V. (Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute), Khanina N.N., Shuzhebaeva A.I., Kapenova A.A., Barimbekov N.Zh. (Doctor of Psychology), Dusmanbetov G., Li E.P., Vereshchagina A.A. defended their candidate and doctoral dissertations.
- in different periods of the development of the institute, and then the university, the department was headed by prominent scientists-teachers: candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Turkpenov Zh..T (1973-1976); Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Busurmanova Svetlana Toleuovna (1976-1978); Ph.D., associate professor Baiguatova Orynbasar Myrzataevna (1978-1980), Ph.D., professor, academician of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy Li Afanasy Dmitrievich (1983-1984); Ph.D., Professor Bazhenova Valeria Petrovna (1984-1987); Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Bazhenov Vyacheslav Grigorievich (1987-2001); Ph.D., Associate Professor Naubaeva Khapiza Tanirbergenovna (2001-2002); Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nurlan Akashevich Abishev (2002-2003); Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Dyusembinova Raifa Kadyrovna (2003-2011), Ph.D., Associate Professor Abisheva E.D. (2011-2015), Ungarbaeva Sh.U. (2015-2015), Ybyraimzhanov K.T. (2016-2016), Baktybaev Zh.Sh. (2017-2018), Bazhenova E.D. (2018-2020), Sapargalieva A. J. to this day.
- in 1996 the department of preschool pedagogy was transformed into the department of developmental psychology and pedagogy, which was headed by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Nurzhanova T.T., in 2005 the department was merged with the department of pedagogy and psychology, in 2008 the department was reorganized again in the Department of Developmental Pedagogy and Psychology, and in 2017 the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was created again, which was headed by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Baktybaev Zh.Sh.
- 5В010300 - "Pedagogy and Psychology", 5В010500 - "Defectology"
- 6В01101 - "Pedagogy and Psychology", 6В01902 - "Special Pedagogy"
- 7М01101 - "Pedagogy and Psychology", 7М01902 - "Special Pedagogy"
- 8D01101 - "Pedagogy and Psychology".
- Catalog of elective disciplines in EP 8D01101 - Pedagogy and psychology
- Catalog of elective disciplines in EP 7М01101 - Pedagogy and psychology(1 year)
- Catalog of elective disciplines in EP 7М01101 - Pedagogy and psychology(2 year)
- Catalog of elective disciplines in EP 6B01101 - Pedagogy and psychology
- Catalog of elective disciplines in EP 7М01902 - Special pedagogy
- Catalog of elective disciplines in EP 6В01902 - Special pedagogy
Currently, the educational-methodological, research and educational work at the department is carried out by 32 lecturers.
Over the past 5 years, the Department staff has published more than 30 textbooks, including those recommended by the Republican educational and methodological councils, of which 10 are in the state language, 3 in Russian, and 2 in English and 4 monographs:
- Abishev N. A., Bazhenova E. D. Ungarbayeva sh. U. Development of higher education: prospects, regularities, contradictions. Training manual Taldykorgan 2018
- Sydykbekova M. A. System of preventive work with children and adolescents Monograph, Taldykorgan, 2018.
- Sapargalieva A.Zh. Methodology and methods of organizing scientific and pedagogical research. Taldykorgan 2018.
- Sapargalieva A. Zh. Improving the professional training of a teacher-psychologist as a specialist of helping professions: theory and practice. 2019.
- Sapargalieva, A. Zh. Improving of the professional training of pedagogical psychology as a specialist of helping professions: theory and practice.Monograph.2019.
- Bazhenova E. D., Shuzhebaeva A. I. Scientific-pedagogical and social problems of communication, Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2019.
- Usenova A. K., Schmidt M. A., Tulepova S. I., Tynystanova A. T. Pedagogy of interethnic tolerance formation. Training manual. Taldykorgan, 2019.
- Sapargalieva A. Zh. Social pedagogy.- Study guide. Taldykorgan, 2019.
- Sapargalieva A. Zh. Professional competence of a teacher-psychologist. – Study guide. Taldykorgan, 2019.
- Sydykbekova M. A., Mamilina S. K. Formation of a system of preventive work with adolescents with behavioral disorders in Kazakhstan. Training manual. Taldykorgan 2019.
- Tulepova S. I., Tynyskhanova A. T. Usenova A. K., Pedagogy of formation of interethnic tolerance. Educational address Taldykorgan 2019.
- M. Rysbekova artpedagogy and art therapy in the training of future specialists. Educational and methodical manual. Taldykorgan 2019
- Nurzhanova T. T. Zheksembaeva Zh. R. Akhaeva A. sh. Pedagogy of higher school-Textbook. Taldykorgan, 2019.
- Zhanatova D. B., Murygina S. I. Psychology, – Textbook.
- Sapargalieva A. Zh. Improving the professional training of a teacher-psychologist as a specialist of helping professions: theory and practice; Electronic textbook.
- Sapargalieva A. Zh. Improving of the professional training of a pedagogical psychology as a specialist of helping professions: theory and practice; Electronic textbook.
- Sapargalieva, A. Zh. Methodology and technique of the organization of scientific researches. The electronic textbook. 2019.
- Sapargalieva, A. Zh. Social pedagogy.The electronic textbook.
- Sapargalieva A. Zh. Professional competence of a teacher-psychologist. The electronic textbook. 2019.
- Sapargalieva, A. J. The Professional competence of a psychologist. The electronic textbook. 2019.
- Methodological recommendations for writing a master’s thesis, master’s project. Taldykorgan 2020 training manual
- Shuzhebaeva A. I. Bazhenova E. D. Methodological recommendations for practice in bachelor’s degree. Taldykorgan 2020 training manual
- Development of academic mobility of students of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of internationalization of higher education”. Monograph Taldykorgan 2020
The Department is the organizer of methodological seminars at the Republican and regional levels:
18.11-30.11.2019 Methodical online seminar “Innovative approaches in teaching and learning” on the program of additional education Tazhinova G. A., Alpysbayeva N. S., Galieva A. N., Azanova G. Zh., Azanbekova G. T.
09.01.2019. Technology of creating an adapted educational environment for students with special educational needs Akhmedieva K. N. training seminar.
10.01.2019. Emotional culture of a University teacher. Self-regulation. Ahmedieva K. N. a training seminar.
2019, January “labor Psychology” Akhmedieva K. N. training seminar.
21.05.2019 y. Pedagogical management and management Akhmedieva K. N. seminar for heads of colleges in Almaty region.
17.05.2019 “Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education” Akhmedieva K. N. seminar for College staff
In January 2020, the faculty of pedagogy and psychology in order to provide methodological support in improving the professional competence of teachers, expanding the innovative experience of teachers, a Winter school was organized and held on the topic: “Scientific and Methodological potential of the updated content of education and the logic of its implementation in higher education” authors: Abishev N. A. – Professor of the Department of pedagogy and psychology Mamilina S. K. – master of the Department of pedagogy and psychology.
30.01-31.01.2020 in Zharkent higher humanitarian and technical College there was a pedagogical reading on the topic “New approaches in the professional development of a modern teacher”.Within the framework of the pedagogical project on the basis of the Memorandum of cooperation between Zhetysu state University named after I. Zhansugurova and Zharkent higher humanitarian and technical College senior lecturer of the Department of pedagogy and psychology, master K. N. Akhmedieva, senior lecturer of the Department of teaching methods and education, master A. S. Taurbekova organized a training seminar with the staff of the College on the topic “Organization of the educational process on credit training technologies”.
23.11.2019 at the faculty of pedagogy and psychology of Zhetysu state University named after I. Zhansugurov, a weekly methodological seminar “Interaction of universities and educational institutions” was organized by the Department of”Days of specialties”. The seminar was held from 09.00 to 17.00. Master classes were shown by teachers-psychologists and defectologists of various educational institutions. the Methodological seminar activated the cognitive activity of students and undergraduates. During the combination of theory and practice head of municipal public institution” regional psycho-medical-pedagogical consultation office No. 2 of Taldykorgan city “State institution” Department of education of Almaty region ” Oralbekova Balzhan Nurzhanovna spoke in detail about the features of the speech pathologist, oligophrenopedagogy, a hearing teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, teachers for the blind, a social pedagogue, working in PMPK.
In addition, employees of PMPK Mayer Natalia Ivanovna, Popova Lyudmila Nikitichna, Zhakasheva Ainur Serikovna, Nurkezhanova Ardak Maulimovna, Kasymbekova Gaukhar Sarsenbekovna told about their work with video clips and talked about the responsible work of PMPK.
10.01.2020 on the topic “Methodological recommendations for writing master’s projects, master’s thesis” Bazhenova E. D. made a report at the methodological seminar of the Department, acquainted undergraduates and doctoral students, scientific supervisors with the rules for the requirements of the QMS and MA. I analyzed the sections of the concept of scientific apparatus. The textbook “Methodological recommendations for writing master’s projects, master’s thesis” is sent to the press.
7th international online forum “Day of the psychologist”
28.11.2020 senior lecturer of the Department of pedagogy and psychology Molbasynova Zh. M. took part in the 7th international online forum of psychologists “Day of the psychologist”, which was held at the sipkro University in Samara. Master classes and debates on various areas of practical psychology were organized at the forum. Master classes were held on the following topics: A. Zotov “Professional identity”, A. Yerkaev “Ideal leader”, G. Lakienko “Uncertainty: freeze or continue to live” , etc. We got acquainted with the types of diagnostics of personality psychology. The 12-hour forum provided many opportunities for professional development. Presentation of certificates to forum participants.
15.05.2020 Tulepova S. I. held a seminar on” Pedagogy of interethnic tolerance”. She introduced the subject of the study, the tasks of pedagogy of interethnic tolerance. The six steps in the section ” Identity and unity “of the National plan -” 100 concrete steps ” of the head of state, of course, will be decisive steps in the formation of Kazakhstan’s tolerant society. He stressed that the principle of a tolerant society-the support of the state-will become the basis of our life.
At the end of the seminar, a SWOT analysis was conducted, which aroused great interest from the participants.
30.01-31.01.2020 in Zharkent higher humanitarian and technical College “New approaches in the professional development of a modern teacher”, a pedagogical reading was held on the topic: within the framework of pedagogical training on the basis of a Memorandum of scientific cooperation between Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov and Zharkent higher humanitarian and technical College, senior teacher of the Department of pedagogy and psychology, master Akhmedieva K. N., senior teacher of the Department of methods of training and education, master Taurbekova A. S. we organized a training seminar with the staff of the College on the topic “Organization of the educational process on credit technology of training”.
On the practical platform, College teachers shared their experience in introducing innovations in the practice of technical and vocational education organizations in the direction of updated educational content, demonstrating a combination of educational practices that involve the dissemination of best practices.
At the experimental sites, the teachers of the College shared their experience in introducing innovations in the practice of technical and vocational education in the field of updated educational content, as well as demonstrated a combination of educational practices aimed at spreading best practices.
The main scientific and methodological projects of the Department are currently:
- formation of professional competence of the future teacher-psychologist;
- moral education of students on the basis of electronic cultural programs;
- the theory and practice of formation of independence among students of secondary school age;
- pedagogy of correction of communication difficulties in preschool children in the family;
- formation of children’s communication culture;
- psychology of adolescent deviant behavior;
- formation of civil and Patriotic qualities of Kazakhstan’s youth based on the idea of «Mangilik El»;
- mastering the work of raising and educating a child, preparing and involving parents in solving correctional and educational tasks, as well as preventing secondary and tertiary developmental disorders;
- formation of skills to work with a computer as a means of information management, ready to use the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information;
- mastering the methods and techniques of developmental and correctional work;
- take into account the peculiarities of the learning process of children with special educational needs, carry out all types of control over the work of special school students, create conditions for the formation of self-control skills, analyze the results of the learning process, be able to work in accordance with their purpose;
- improving the ability to support the development of personal qualities of children with special educational needs, their interests and preferences;
- improving the ability to effectively choose and implement correctional educational programs based on a personality-oriented and individually differentiated approach:
- improving the ability to transform the method of recognizing objects studied in a special school into the way of thinking of children;
- possess effective methods of providing correctional and developmental training and be able to solve special educational problems and situations that arise in special institutions.
The Department carries out research activities on the basis of the theme “innovative methods of teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines at the present stage” in the implementation of educational activities and improvement of research work. For the 2016-2020 academic year, 170 articles were published in the collections of international and Republican scientific and practical conferences, 30 textbooks and 4 monographs with an ISBN number were published. Published 56 articles in scientific journals recommended by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publication. Senior lecturer of the Department of pedagogy and psychology Zhanatova D. B. took part in the scientific project “Assessment of the level of health to increase the adaptive reserves and General resistance of the body of students living in Taldykorgan”.
Faculty of the Department took part in the seminar “ELSEVIER BV for the participation in Science Direct and Scopus training”on December 18, 2019. Senior teachers of the Department Тulepova S. I., Rysbekova R. M. Mamilina S. K. and others took part in the seminar “qualitative research methods” organized by Zhetysu state University and received certificates.
In the city of Taldykorgan from 01.10.2019 to 25.10.2019 Sapargalieva A. Zh., Shuzhebaeva A. I., Sydykbekova M. A. took part in the seminar of JSC “National center for advanced training” Orleu “modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of education” and received a certificate.
In 2019, the head of the Department Sapargalieva A. Zh. became the owner of the title “Best teacher of the University 2019”.
In 2019, Professor (associate Professor) of the Department Nurzhanova T. T. was awarded the badge “Parasatty pedagog”.
Shuzhebaeva A. I., associate Professor (associate Professor)Department in 2019, received a letter of thanks for the exchange of experience at the forum “Psychology in education: psychological support of a modern school”.
In 2019, senior lecturer of the Department Akhmedieva K. N. was awarded the Diploma of the first degree “Kazakhstannyn kurmetti ustazy” and the badge “Parasatty pedagog” in order to popularize among teachers of educational organizations the program article of the Head of state N. A. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka bagdar rukhani zhangyru”.
2019 Bazhenova E. D.. Shegebaev.S.B. and Janatova D. B. was awarded a diploma for fruitful cooperation and indicators to strengthen, enhance knowledge freelance psychologists military unit 5514.
In 2020 Molbosynova Zh. M. a letter of appreciation For contribution to the development of the young generation “Zhetysu daryny” and honorary teacher in the field of education.
In 2020, Azanbekova G. T. was awarded the Diploma of the first degree “Kazakhstan kurmetti uztazy” and the badge “Parasatty pedagog” in order to popularize among teachers of educational organizations the program article of the Head of state N. A. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka bagdar rukhani zhangyru”.
In 2020, Galieva A. N. was awarded the Diploma of the first degree “The Best teacher of education”, awarded by the acting Professor (associate Professor).
In 2020, Isabaeva Z. M., senior lecturer of the Department of identification and development of abilities of gifted students, took part in the competition “Best teacher of the University 2020” and was awarded a Diploma of the first degree.
Teachers of the Department in recent years, in order to provide high-quality training of teaching staff, have been trained in the following research areas:
- seminar on distance learning technologies (Karaganda state University named after E. Buketov);
- innovative methods of teaching pedagogical and psychological disciplines at the present stage (KazSFPU);
- projective methods of psychological diagnostics (Russia, Yaroslavl state pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky);
- training seminar on “Experimental psychology and mathematical and statistical processing of scientific work” (Al-Farabi Kazakh national University, Almaty):
- training seminar on “Comparative characteristics of the educational process in Bulgaria and Kazakhstan”, St. Sophia University.Clement of OhridSofia, (Bulgaria);
- advanced training program for teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher education Institutions;
- JSC NCPC “Orleu”, advanced training and retraining Courses for teachers, category University teachers;
- training seminar on “Interactive teaching methods in higher education”, Taras Shevchenko national University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
In recent years, teachers of the Department have been actively traveling to international scientific internships that take place abroad: a scientific internship at St. Sophia University.Kliment ohridsky, Sofia, Bulgaria – Akhmedieva K. N., Schmidt M. A., internship on the topic: “Quality Management in education”, international center for advanced training, Dusseldorf, Germany.
Since 2011, the Department of pedagogy and psychology has been implementing academic mobility of students, undergraduates and teaching staff. The academic mobility program provides an opportunity for students and undergraduates to continue their education or gain scientific experience abroad by participating in a short-term educational or research program.
In the period from 2015 to the present time, undergraduate students go on academic mobility to partner universities: Akhmanzhanova Gulnaz, Urazakan Aday (palatsky University (Czech Republic), aslanbekova Liya, Kazakova Nastya (Yaroslavl state pedagogical University(Russia)), Aslan Elvira. Kasparova Diana University of Lodz (Poland), Valikhanov anel, Ten Alina (Omsk state University). For the implementation of academic mobility, knowledge of foreign languages is the main requirement. In this regard, the working curriculum of the master’s program includes the discipline ” Foreign language (professional)”, which is taught in the first year, and also includes an elective course aimed at in-depth language learning.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, she studied at the University of Palacky (Czech Republic, Olomouc) undergraduate EP 6M010300 – Pedagogy and psychology Doszhanova Saltanat.
In the 2012-2019 academic year, lectures by foreign scientists(V. Delibaltova, S. Chavdarova – Kostova, I. Petkova, Rimantas Zhelvis, Kolga) were introduced and delivered within the framework of academic mobility within the framework of the educational program 6D010300-“Pedagogy and psychology”.
Also, in the period from 01.04.2019 to 28.04.2019, a 2nd-year doctoral student of the specialty Pedagogy and psychology at Vilnius University, the oldest University in Lithuania, Mizambayeva F. K. passed a mandatory international scientific internship. Since its creation in the 16th century, it has been an integral part of European science and culture and implements the concept of a classical University. Vilnius University is an active participant in international scientific and academic activities and can be proud of its outstanding professors and graduates. In may 2019 the doctoral students 2nd year Abikbaev D. M. Sabirov and D. A. passed scientific training at the University of Sofia. St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Currently, the Department actively cooperates with foreign universities in the framework of external academic mobility of students and faculty. Students and undergraduates of the specialty “Pedagogy and psychology” annually study at the Yaroslavl state pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky. The Department annually expands international cooperation on external academic mobility.
Social and educational work of the Department of pedagogy and psychology is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work in ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov.
Educational work of the Department is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work of the University, faculty in the following areas.
- Module of moral and Patriotic education
- Module of spiritual and moral, intellectual and creative, aesthetic education
- Innovation and corporate education module
- Module for the formation of a healthy lifestyle
It includes such things as organizational: the development of patriotism, cultural, sports, moral, aesthetic, environmental, healthy lifestyles, work on AIDS, drug addiction and tobacco Smoking, on the development of the state language, religious and national education, to combat a variety of offenses, corruption, as well as education training and work culture. At the same time, close contact is maintained with the parents of students.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, together with teachers, the events “Kazakhstan is my homeland”, “The basis of moral and patriotic education”, “Innovative learning technology”, etc.were planned, and a seminar “Мoral and educational basis!”was held in the hostel No. 2.
12.09.2019 у. senior lecturer of faculty of pedagogics and psychology, ZH. M. Molbоsynova and students of group 411 PК in the House of students No. 1 was held the evening of psychological games “Konilgen Nur”. So Jumagazieva and SH.Nurlybaeva conducted psychological games with the dormitory students on the theme: “Washing machine”, E. Abishev, S. Marlan “Rain”, Musabekov D., M. Mukan, M. Rakhmatullaeva “Believe in you”. At the end of the evening, M. Serikbek performed beautiful songs with a guitar and gave the students of the hostel a good mood.
Educational work is carried out by teaching staff according to the General University, faculty and Cathedral plans. Basically, educational work is carried out by teachers of groups in the following areas: civil and Patriotic, spiritual and moral, intellectual and creative, aesthetic education and development, professional and corporate, formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of offenses, etc. All work is carried out in close connection with the Committee on youth Affairs (KDM). The main components of the educational work of the Department are aimed and carried out not only to give students a University education, but also to develop a creative, constantly improving, competitive and intelligent personality.
The student life of the University is full of interesting activities and events. Teachers together with students conduct round tables, meetings, debates in all areas of educational work, competitions, concerts, participate in sports competitions. Students take part in the development of plans for educational activities. For the 2019-2020 academic year, teachers were scheduled educational hours “Formation of state sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Kazakhstan is my homeland”, etc. Students take an active part in all events held at the level of the University, faculty, Department, as well as in student scientific and practical conferences. The educational process is provided with methodological developments and a long-term plan of ZhSU. The results of the work are considered at the meetings of the Department, the faculty Council, The academic Council of ZhSU. Students are informed about the events held through the stands, the website of ZhSU, the University newspaper “ZHETISU universitet”.
Our students are the winners of many Republican competitions. Curators and advisors organize such events as “we are not burning… “, “Address to students”, “Day of the teacher”, “25 years of independence” and others. The purpose of the event was to strengthen the patriotic spirit, love for the motherland and serve as a reminder of the history of the Kazakh people. During the event, videos and slide shows, fragments of the country’s history were shown, as well as patriotic songs and verses were recorded. In the hostel, events were held on the topic ” Morality – the basis of Education!”, “The girl is beautiful!»
Lecturers of the department and our students actively participate in the life of our university.

We consider the main achievement of our Department to be the employed graduates of the Department. Most of the Department's graduates are employed in General secondary schools and pre-school institutions, in teacher training colleges and secondary special educational institutions, as well as in higher educational institutions. For example, graduates of the specialty" Pedagogy and psychology " Ibraimova M., Burumbayeva Zh., Volchenko E. and others work with teachers-psychologists in secondary schools of Taldykorgan and Almaty region, in addition, our graduates work in other industries: for example, G. Amirkhanov-captain of internal Affairs, A. Zhylkaidarova, Z. Yerzhanova - psychologists of the Department of internal Affairs, A. Ibragimova – psychologist of the national security Committee, G. Tursynbay-President of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan of Almaty region.
The Department will continue to work best alumni of the Department today the Department has a PhD Sapargalieva A. Zh., Bazhenova E. D., candidate of pedagogical Sciences senior teacher Zheksembayeva Zh.R., senior lecturers Ahmedieva K. N., Shengelbayev S. B., Akhaeva A. Sh.
Lecturers and students of the Department of pedagogy and psychology regularly participate in Republican subject Olympiads. From March 28 to 29, 2019, the X student subject Olympiad was held at the faculty of philosophy and political science of the al-Farabi Kazakh national University in Almaty. The Republican subject Olympiad was held among students of 3-4 courses. The Olympiad was attended by 3rd year students of the specialty pedagogy and psychology suniyatova Bayan askarovna, Mukan Marzhan Serikkanovna, Nurlybayeva Shyrai Manatovna under the guidance of senior teacher Shakirova Arayla Dalelova (third team place). In 2020, under the guidance of K. N. Akhmedieva, 3rd year students participated in the next subject Olympiad and took the second team place, and therefore in 2021 our University will hold a subject Olympiad in Pedagogy and psychology.
On November 27, 2020, the XII Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B010500 - Defectology was held at Aktobe regional University named after K. Zhubanov.The subject Olympiad was attended by 3rd year students of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, faculty of pedagogy and psychology, specialty 5B010500-Defectology: Karim Aidana, Аskarbayeva Tomiris, Kazieva Аkerke as part of the group" Zhetysu kyzgaldaktary " under the leadership of Isabayeva Zauresh Muratovna.
Senior lecturer of the Department Akhmedieva K. N. was awarded the honorary badge "Honorary teacher of Kazakhstan " and the honorary certificate.Associate Professor of the Department of pedagogy and psychology, PhD Sapargalieva Aizhan Zhanisovna, received the title "Best teacher of the University-2019".
Among the winners of Republican competition on competition of the student scholarship Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, launched in October 2020, the undergraduate 2 courses of pedagogy and psychology of Zhetysu state University named after I. Zhansugurov Biden Zhanserik Maratovich, the student 4 courses of the specialty "Pedagogy and psychology" Zharkyn Bulatov was awarded the badge "For active public activities".