Kurmanov Murat Bailievich
International public organizations (academies) membership: International Reading Association (IRA), Kazakhstan Reading Association (KazОА), PAHs (project of University of Central Asia
Position: senior lecture
Education: higher education
Information about higher education:
Educational institution: Tambov state pedagogical Institute (Russia)
Specialty: Russian language and literature
Graduation year: 1980
Qualification: philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, additional specialty ” pedagogy and methods of educational work»
Scientific study
- Methodical recommendations “Seminar “State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (in co-authorship with Т.D. Khristich). Public Association “Banner of peace”, commissioned By the state institution “Department of internal policy
- The article “the features of the interactive classes in a University”, proceedings of the International scientific-methodical conference “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process – through quality. December 5-6, 2014 Taldykorgan, pp. 249-255.
- The article “Quiet” revolution in education”. The book “the world is Changing-we change”, AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual schools” the “Center of excellence”, 2015, Astana, p. 268-269.
- The article “Interactive methods, interactive forms and methods of work in the University.” Bulletin of Zhetysu state University named. After I. Zhansugurov, 2016, no. 4, pp. 172-176.
- Article “Using strategies of critical thinking in formative assessment”. The materials of regional scientifically-methodical conference “Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process”, February 10, 2017, Taldykorgan, pp. 182-188.
Author of more than 40 scientific articles