1. General provisions
The volunteer group “Rise Up” of the ZHU named after I. Zhansugurov is a voluntary public organization of students of the specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages” for the pupils of the orphanage “Ainalayyn”, in a specially equipped office of the city branch of the party” Nur Otan ” for students from low-income families and students of the college of ZHSU, created in order to increase their interest in the language.
2. Goals and objectives of the club
- In Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov, students of the specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages” can receive practical skills in addition to studying at the university.
- Students who teach knowledge can develop the ethical and aesthetic aspects of the national tradition as a future specialist. In addition, the ability to solve problems that arise when working with children, communicate with them, be able to behave, show mercy, move with peers.
3. Responsibilities of the volunteer group of ZHSU ” RISE UP”:
– Popularization of national education;
– Showing mercy;
– Communication with children;
– Proficiency in a foreign language and other selected subjects;
– Ability to find the right solution in various difficulties;
– Love your profession;
– Improve ethical and aesthetic tastes
Development of organizational skills;
– Exchange of experience with other colleagues.
4. The composition of the volunteer group “Rise Up”:
– Head
– Organizers
– Methodists
– Group members
6. Responsibilities and rights of the head of the “Rise Up ” volunteer group” :
Head-is the head of the group.
Rights of the manager :
- making changes to the work of the group;
- holding regular and extraordinary meetings;
- changing group members;
- prepare and retain a suitable manager in your place;
- solve other issues related to your group.
- set the meeting time between group members;
- participation of group members at intra-university meetings
The manager must:
- implementation of the group’s plans and goals;
- be responsible for each group;
- organize various activities in the institution where the classes are held;
- correct the working shortcomings of the group members.
- track the order within a group;
- teach newly arrived volunteers to explain the format of the created group;
- track the timely arrival of members for regular meetings and observations;
- be responsible for the venue of the next meeting and competitions.
The head of the club – must accept and register members of the volunteer group, must take part in all events. Among students and students in the social adaptation should give education, help teach science, consciousness, the development of patriotism and most importantly, should increase the interest of students in the English language.
Rights and obligations of club members:
- has the right to comply with the rules of the group;
- the right to participate in the fees within the group;
- has the right to make suggestions to the head of the group;
- he must come to the meeting in a timely manner.
- perform the work assigned to the “Rise Up” group.
- they are required to take part in assigned classes and meetings.
7. Club membership
Every student of Zhetysu State University named after I. Zhansugurov studying in the direction of “Rise Up” can become a member of the club.
The withdrawal from the “Rise Up” club is carried out independently by the student for certain reasons.
Head of the “Rise Up” club A. Shengelbaeva