«Development of a simulator for preparation for IELTS»

Project name: “Development of a simulator for preparation for IELTS” (project duration 12 months, January – December 2022)

IELTS (English International English Language Testing System) is an international system for assessing English language proficiency. Allows you to determine the level and skills of English in people for whom it is not native. IELTS is the most popular English language test for studying and immigration to the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (the competing TOEFL test is most popular in the USA). The Canadian Immigration Department reviews the results of the IELTS test and does not accept TOEFL results. The IELTS result is evaluated on a scale from 0 to 9 points. The certificate includes an assessment of four test modules: * Listening (listening skills);
  • Reading (reading skills);
  • Writing (written English skills);
* Speaking (spoken English skills) and the overall score (Overall Score Band). The test result is valid for two years from the date of its receipt. The purpose of the project: to develop a simulator to test the level of preparation for IELTS. Project objectives:
  1. a) collection of materials, analysis, project planning.
  2. b) development, testing and revision (if necessary) of the simulator
  3. c) implementation
The relevance of the project lies in the fact that despite the large number of simulators for preparing for IELTS, they are limited in content or incomplete (2 modules are missing, Writing and Speaking). The limitation and lack of elaboration lies in the small number of questions and texts, in the absence of 2 important modules, as well as in the absence of direct contact with the teacher. Novelty: our simulator will test all 4 modules (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) with a variety of content. And there will also be a direct connection with the teacher. 3 modules will be immediately implemented into the program, the results of Listening and Reading will be released automatically, the results of Writing will be released after the teacher checks. Speaking will be conducted in 2 different ways (chosen by the student himself), direct recording on a webcam or direct communication with the teacher through video communication programs.   Scientific director of the project:   Akhmetov Zhalgas Undrusuly, Director of the IT Center of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, lecturer. More than 15 scientific papers have been published in CQAES, RSCI databases, in international conferences, and 4 textbooks have been published.   Members of the research group:   Kabdualiev Dastan Kairatovich, teacher – assistant in Pedagogical Informatics, Master of Pedagogical Sciences. 7 scientific papers have been published in the RSCI databases, as well as in international conferences.   Kulyntaeva Asel Yerzhanovna, programmer of the IT Center of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Bachelor of Engineering.   Erengayypov Sanat Talgatovich, teacher – assistant of the Department of Pedagogical Informatics, Master of Pedagogical Sciences. 3 scientific papers have been published in the RSCI databases, as well as in international conferences.   Gavrilova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, PhD, lecturer in Physics and Mathematics. More than 17 scientific papers have been published in Scopus, CQAES, RSCI databases, in international conferences, and 4 textbooks have been published.   Scientific internships and professional development  
  1. 2014 Akhmetov Zh. U. Belarusian State University, 2-week internship, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
  2. 2018 Akhmetov Zh. U. Monthly internship at the Center of Secondary, Specialized Secondary and Higher Education, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.
  3. 2013 Erengayypov S. T. three-month study at the Czech Agrarian University, Prague, Czech Republic.
  4. 2014 Kabdualiev D. K. three-month training at the Czech Agrarian University, Prague, Czech Republic.
  5. 2017 Erengayypov S. T. 5-month training in Poland
  6. 2013. Gavrilova E. N. Internship at the Technological Educational Institute “Implementation of the Bologna processes principles in higher education, English scientific terminology & Methods of research and teaching in mathematics and computer sciences “. Athens, Greece.
  7. Gavrilova E. N. “Methods of student-centered learning at the university”, 20.10.2020-15.12.2020. Moscow, National Research Technological University “MISIS”, (72 hours).
  List of publications and patents of the Project executors for the period from 2015 to 2020.  
  1. Ж.У. Ахметов, С.М. Сеитова Усиление профессиональной направленности курса «Теории вероятностей и математической статистики» с помощью задач связанных с парадоксами, Наука и жизнь Казахстана, № 2 2018 Международный научный журнал, 67-69 с.
  2. Ж.У. Ахметов, С.М. Сеитова Проблема профессиональной направленности обучения математике в вузах, Материалы 4 – ой Международной научно-практической конференции «Перспективы развития науки и образования в обновленном обществе», Академия экономики и права имени О. А. Жолдасбекова, 29.11.18 г., 72-75 с.
  3. Ж.У. Ахметов, С.М. Сеитова Специфика заданий по теории вероятностей и математической статистике для нематематических специальностей, Наука и жизнь Казахстана, № 1 2019  Международный научный журнал (спецвыпуск), 163-164 с.
  4. Ж.У. Ахметов, С.М. Сеитова Решение нестандартных задач по  теории вероятностей и математической статистике для повышения профессионального уровня студентов, Материалы 5 – ой Международной научно-практической конференции «Молодежь и глобальные проблемы современности», Академия экономики и права имени О. А. Жолдасбекова, 12.04.19 г. 3-6 с.
  5. Ж.У. Ахметов, С.М. Сеитова Система упражнений как один из путей повышения эффективности обучения теории вероятностей и математической статистики, Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «Приоритеты современной науки: от теории к практике», ЖГУ имени И. Жансугурова, 27-28.10.2017 г, 176-179 с.
  6. Еренғайыпов С.Т., Мырзағали М., Эффективность применения информационных технологий на уроках математики, ІІІ Международная научно-практическая конференция новые научные исследования г.Пенза, РФ 2021
  7. Еренғайыпов С.Т., Ахметов Ж.У., Сериков Б.Б., Кабдуалиев Д.К., The disadvantages of the traditional approach teaching informatics in schools, POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE №41 (2021)
  8. Еренғайыпов С.Т., Ахметов Ж.У., Сериков Б.Б., Кабдуалиев Д.К., Drawbacks of the established methods of teaching informatics in modern schools, The scientific heritage, VOL 3, No 70 (70) (2021)
  9. Gavrilova, Y.N.Seitova, S.M.Kozhasheva, G.O.Aldabergenova, A.O.Kydyrbaeva, G.T.Study results for methodological training of teachers of mathematics in conditions of innovation. — Periodico Tche Quimica, 2020, 17(35), стр. 391–403;
  10. Seitova, S.Smagulov, Y.Gavrilova, Y.Zhiyembayev, Z.Zhanatbekova, N.Studying mathematical subjects to students as an independent work. — Astra Salvensis, 2018, 6(1), стр. 617–630;
  11. Seitova, S.M.Kozhasheva, G.O.Gavrilova, Y.N.Kydyrbaeva, G.T.Abdykarimova, A.Z.Peculiarities of using neuro-linguistic programming techniques in teaching. — Mathematics Education, 2016, 11(5), стр. 1135–1149, iejme.2016.101;
  12. Сеитова С.М., Гаврилова Е.Н. Современные требования подготовки будущих учителей математики как специалистов // Вестник Казахского национального педагогического университета имени Абая, Серия «Педагогические науки». Алматы. — №3(63). – 2019. – С.104-109;
  13. Сеитова С.М. Гаврилова Е.Н. Граф логической структуры содержания математических дисциплин // Научный журнал «Вестник Торайгыров университет», педагогическая серия. –Павлодар. – №4. — 2020. С. 143-154;
  14. Игнатьева С.В., Гаврилова Е.Н. и др. Comparative analyses of inclusive education in Latvia, Russia and Kazakhstan // 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference // Valencia (Spain) on the 11th, 12th and 13th of March, 2019. pp. 6874-6880
  15. Тасболатова Р., Сеитова С.М., Гаврилова Е.Н. Диагностические исследования методической подготовки учителей математики// The scientific heritage, VOL 4, No 71 (71) (2021). С. 25-30
  16. Гаврилова Е.Н. Пути развития математической культуры студентов педагогического вуза // Научный журнал CONCORDE, 2021, -N 1. — С.80-85