“The relevance of studying the nature of the native Earth within the framework of the Ruhani Zhangyru program”

March 6, 2023 at the Higher School of Natural Sciences, teacher-lecturer of educational programs in the direction of “Geography” Kerimbay B.S. a scientific seminar of students was organized and held on the topic: “The relevance of studying the nature of the native Earth within the framework of the Ruhani Zhangyru program.”

The purpose of the scientific seminar was focused on the revival of the spiritual values of students, taking into account all the modern risks and challenges of globalization; to popularize knowledge in the field of studying the nature of the native Earth; to identify talented youth for the subsequent training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of secondary and higher educational institutions.

Students in the direction of the EP “Geography” and “Biology” presented the projects “Studying the risk of drought in the desert zone using the NDVI index (on the example of the Uygur district, Almaty region)”, “Application of the program “Realtime landscaping PRO” in the design project of landscape planning”, “The historical and geographical position of Lake Alakol and the development of international medical tourism”, etc.

Also, a 3rd year student of the EP “Biology” Zhumanurov M. presented a presentation by scientists from the University of Lodz, Poland, where he underwent academic mobility, on the topic “Ecohydrology for urban water management and adaptation to climate change”.