Last week, second-year students of the OP of Russian language and Literature became participants of a poetry evening organized by the Literary Club “Poetic Friday”.

Audience 129 once again hospitably opened its doors to all lovers of poetry. This time, the focus of the participants of the “Poetic Friday” was the lyrics of the Renaissance.

As the head of the Literary Club, Candidate of Philological Sciences Chsherbovskikh Irina Gennadievna emphasized, «traditionally, the meetings of the «Poetic Friday» are held in a relaxed chamber atmosphere. By candlelight over a cup of tea, students talk about poetry, share their impressions of what they have read, and perform poems by their favorite poets. Today, students shared their knowledge about the originality of sonnets by F.Petrarca and W.Shakespeare. The culmination of the poetic evening was the performance of poems by two great poets of the Italian and English Renaissance».

Sonnets performed by students of the groups RYAL-211, RYALNYAO-212 Yurtaeva Oksana, Velichko Victoria, Aitova Alina, Slamhul Indira, Tursumbai Nurai, Kali Aigerim, Zhanbyr Aigerim, Kenesbai Nursaule, Galymzhankyzy Alfiya sounded especially heartfelt and expressive, and the faces of the participants of the meeting seemed even more inspired illuminated by the trembling flame of candles.

The poetic evening ended, and the famous Shakespearean poems hovered for a long time under the arches of the Higher School of Humanities!..