Results of the subject Olympiad

Results of the subject Olympiad in foreign languages

From November 9 to 17, 2023 a subject Olympiad in English, Chinese, Turkish and German was held under the leadership of  D.M.Zhabykbaeva and the teaching staff of the educational program of Foreign Languages and Translation Study at the Higher School of Humanities, Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov. The Olympiad was actively attended by university teachers – G.K.Baigudanova, S.B.Dyusebayeva, K.Zhumagali, Sh.M.Nusupova, M.G.Ashimova, G.A. Tlegenova, S.M.Mashanova, S.A.Ualieva, M.A.Maukebayeva, and A.K.Ospan. The subject Olympiad in English, organized by G.K.,Baigudanova S.B.Dyusebaeva, and Sh.M.Nusupova evaluated students according to high criteria. In Chinese, K. Zhumagali and B.S. Dyusebayeva assessed students’ knowledge focusing on speech skills. G.M. Ashimova and G.A. Tlegenova, responsible for the Turkish language, paid attention to the style of speech and grammatical structure of sentences. Teachers-lecturers of the German language S.A.Ualieva and S.M. Mashanova assessed the lexical stock and the ability of students to express their thoughts. M.A. Maukebayeva and A.K. Ospan revealed the abilities of students engaged in the interpretation of audiovisual material within the framework of the discipline ‘Theory of Translation’.

Winners of the subject Olympiad in English:

1st place – Kalibekov Daniyar

2nd place – Kolomiets Darya

3rd place – Alimkhan Tolganai

Winners of the subject Olympiad in Chinese:

Second course:

1st place – Zhumadilova Nazerke

2nd place – Kagilikova Marzhan

3rd place – Toitelinova Arailym

Third course:

1st place – Ergali Kuralai

2nd place – Qanatbek Zhibek

3rd place – Amanish Meruert

Winners of the subject Olympiad in Turkish:

Second course:

1st place – Malzub Anastasia

2nd place – Rakhmanova Zhannur, Omarbekova Diana

3rd place – Zeynalova Yana, Zhumabek Asel, Gylymbekova Azhar

Third course:

1st place – Bisembaeva Diana

2nd place – Zhasqayratuly Nurassyl, Baysak Malika

3rd place – Sarkeeva Balausa, Dogdyrbai Deniza, Mukibaeva Marzhan

Winners of the subject Olympiad in German:

1st place – Akhmetbekova Erkezhan, Duysengazy Alina

2nd place – Uaqbaeva Anna, Sarsenbaeva Aruzhan, Kapalova Aliya

3rd place – Alihan Tolganai, Ermukhan Malika

Winners of the Olympiad in the discipline “Translation Study”:

Second course:

1st place – Listopadov Alexey Mikhailovich

2nd place – Adykova Zhanel Erzhanovna

3rd place – Tolegen Tolganai Aybolqyzy

Third course:

1st place – Amirgali Gulim Erbolatkyzy

2nd place – Zhumakan Dilnaz

3rd place – Nursanova Saniya

Congratulations to the students on their victory!