Ceremonial meeting dedicated to the Day of Science Workers of Kazakhstan
The Day of Science Workers is celebrated annually in Kazakhstan on April 12. This year, our country also celebrates the 125th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh geologist, the first president of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences Kanysh Satpayev and the 130th anniversary of the outstanding poet, public figure Ilyas Zhansugurov.
In honor of the celebration of the Day of Science Workers at Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov, a Ceremonial meeting was held.
In his congratulatory speech, Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the Board – Rector Buribayev Yermek noted that the results of the work of scientists are the basis of all the achievements of the university.
At the meeting, the teaching staff and young scientists were awarded letters of thanks, certificates of honor “For their contribution to the development of science and education” by the Minister of Science and Higher Education. Also, the dean of the Higher School of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Associate Professor) Andasbayev Yerlan was awarded the breastplate “For his contribution to science and education “.
The event was attended by veterans of science who made an invaluable contribution to the development of the University Ibragimova Karlygash Karbozovna; Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Nysambayev Zhenipaldy; Doctor of Economics, Professor Bleutaeva Kulzhamal; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Almukhambetov Seisekbai; Professor of Art History, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Excellent student of Public Education of the Kazakh SSR, art worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Barimbekov Zhakan.
For active participation in research activities and achievement of high performance, letters of thanks from the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the Faculty and doctoral students who have published articles in highly rated journals indexed by the international reference databases Scopus and Web of Science were awarded. Also, at the end of 2023, letters of thanks were awarded to students-winners of national and international research competitions and Olympiads and their scientific supervisors.
Congratulations on the Day of Science Workers! We wish you new achievements, inspiration and success in your research!