A trip to the sacred capital of Turkestan

From April 26 to 28, students 6B01509 – “Geography” and 6B01510 – “Geography – History” together with teachers made a geographical and historical trip around the city of Turkestan within the framework of the state program “Rukhani zhangyru”. The students visited and got acquainted with the objects of architectural monuments: the town of Otrar – an archaeological monument under UNESCO protection, an open-air museum in the village of Shaulder on the Great Silk Road; the mausoleums of Arystan Bab and Ahmet Yassawi, an underground room, an ancient bath complex, a fortress wall, the Zhuma mosque, the mausoleum of Rabi Sultan Begim; the Aulie Akmeshit cave, located in the Baidibek district there is the mausoleum of Domalak Ana; in Taraz there is the mausoleum of Aisha Bi bi and Babaji Khatun of the 10th-12th centuries.

The students were impressed by the musical “Laser show” in the “Caravanserai” of Turkestan “Kyzzhibek pen Tolegen” and the presentation in 8D format in the media complex “Altyn Samruk” with a fantastic flight through time and space.

The trip to Turkestan allowed to see historical monuments and museums, touch things that have existed for more than a thousand years, listen to the legends associated with each unique place, spiritual rebirth and spend time usefully.