On 19.11.2024, a training seminar “methods of teaching robotics in Primary School” was held at the Faculty of pedagogy and psychology.
Since the seminar is intended for primary school teachers, primary school teachers from our city’s schools took part.
The speakers and organizers of the seminar were the grantees of the project “Jas Galym 2024”: Meruert Bauyrzhanovna Mukhasheva, Assistant Teacher of the Department of methods of Education and training, and Balzhan Toktasynova and Sandugash Serikbek, students of the Bpk221 group.
Nurkezhanov Damir Muratovich, director of the future IT robotics school, took part in the seminar as a special guest and shared his experience.
At the end of the seminar, primary school teachers were awarded certificates.