Educational program 6B01101 Pedagogy and psychology
EP purpose  Training of qualified personnel who possess modern technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process to provide qualified assistance to students and their families in accordance with the current demands of practice and society.
EP type Acting  
Level on NQF 6
Level on SQF 6
The awarded academic degree Вachelor
Period of study 4
Volume of the credits 240
Language of education Kazakh, Russian, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting 07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standard pedagogue
                               Learning outcomes:
1 Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of pedagogy and psychology in the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of subjects of the educational process.
2 Evaluate and apply innovative approaches to understanding significant social phenomena and processes in the legal, business, cultural and environmental issues.
3 Apply knowledge about the nature, mechanisms, structure and criteria of human development to timely identify and prevent possible complications of the psychoemotional state of the individual and resolve conflict situations.
4 To organize and manage the educational process in the conditions of the updated content of secondary education, taking into account the physiological and functional features of the development processes, individual educational needs of students.
5 To implement educational activities by applying innovative methods of teaching and evaluation in the conditions of distance, mixed and traditional learning.
6 To identify individual psychological characteristics of a person, assessing the influence of gender, age, physiological and cultural factors.
7 Conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, process and interpret the obtained data.
8 Focus on social and ethical values based on public opinion, traditions, customs, social norms in their professional activities.
9 To organize psychological and pedagogical support and counseling of participants in the educational process, guided by the principles of the value and uniqueness of the individual.
10 To work in a team, having and correctly defending a personal point of view, to offer new solutions, to adequately navigate in various social situations.
11 Plan and organize independent psychological and pedagogical research using theoretical, empirical and mathematical, statistical methods, guided by the principles of scientific ethics and academic integrity.
12 To use methods of preserving and supporting the mental health of students and advanced psychological technologies in the organization of psychological and pedagogical education, psychological prevention and correction.