Educational program6B01902 Special pedagogy
EP purpose training of specialists with special competencies in the field of education, upbringing, correction, social adaptation of children with disabilities
EP typenew
Level on NQF6
Level on SQF6
The awarded academic degreebachelor
Period of study4
Volume of the credits240
Language of educationKazakh, Russian
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardpedagogue
1demonstrates a civil position in the implementation of effective interaction with public institutions to create an adaptive educational environment based on fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of social, political, cultural, psychological Sciences, historical development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2ses information and communication technologies in professional activities, owns computer methods of collecting, storing and processing information to ensure the quality of the educational process
3has the ability to assess and apply innovative approaches to the understanding of socially significant phenomena and processes in the legal, business, industrial and environmental environment
4possesses communication skills for solving interpersonal, intercultural and industrial (professional) communication problems in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages
5organizes and conducts remedial and developmental group and individual classes to restore impaired functions, showing a tolerant attitude to children and adolescents with special educational needs, is aware of the social significance of the teaching profession and complies with the principles of professional ethics
6identifies and promotes the development of individual abilities of students in order to develop the child’s personality and successful socialization in society through technologies of psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs
7advises teachers, parents of students or persons who replace them on the application of technologies for organizing correctional and developmental education for children with special educational needs, using methods and techniques of teamwork
8designs and analyzes the monitoring of the effectiveness of correctional and developmental training, conducts diagnostics of mental, physical and physiological disorders of students, determines their structure and severity
9predicts, plans and manages the educational process in the conditions of updated educational content, taking into account the physiological and functional features of development processes, individual educational needs of students
10analyzes the stages of formation of the system of special and inclusive education, the policy in the field of special and inclusive education, laws and regulations governing special and inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad
11evaluates and removes educational barriers that prevent successful learning of children with special educational needs, develops adaptive programs and individual learning paths for children with special educational needs
12has the ability to learn and self-knowledge, analysis and self-analysis of pedagogical experience, self-improvement skills, is able to reflect and interpret creatively in their professional activities