Educational program01501 Mathematics
EP purpose Training of masters who have knowledge in the field of mathematical Sciences, who are able to choose appropriate methods and tools for professional activity, to carry out managerial and innovative activities.
EP typecurrent
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
The awarded academic degreemaster’s degree
Period of study1
Volume of the credits60
Language of educationKazakh, Russian, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardPedagog
                               Learning outcomes:
1Has knowledge of theoretical and methodological problems of management psychology, principles and categories of management psychology, its modern schools and directions, their essence and specifics
2Capable of analytical work with information sources and authentic scientific literature in a foreign language on the topic of dissertation research
3Has new knowledge about the state of development of mathematical science and promising areas of research; about the methods of organizing work in the direction;
4Has a fundamental, high-quality, professional education, deep specialized knowledge in the field of mathematics education, which will allow the successful development of science
5Uses modern means of dissemination of scientific information information technologies for analysis, understanding, processing and presentation of the results of their own research
6Uses modern models of training (traditional, innovative, etc.) and designs the educational process in the profile school, college and university
7Plans and conducts research, forecasts and evaluates research results in order to implement and use them in practice, integrates knowledge gained in different disciplines, uses it to solve analytical and managerial tasks in new unfamiliar conditions, summarizes the results of experimental research and analytical work in the form of a master’s project, article, report, analytical note, etc.