Educational program01502 Physics
EP purpose Training of competitive personnel with in-depth professional specialization in the field of physics, owning managerial skills
EP typecurrent
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
The awarded academic degreemaster’s degree
Period of study1
Volume of the credits60
Language of educationKazakh, Russian, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardPedagog
                               Learning outcomes:
1takes organizational and managerial decisions and evaluates their consequences, develops its general cultural and professional level and independently learns new methods
2works with sources of information and with authentic scientific literature in a foreign language on pressing problems of modern physics
3applies knowledge of philosophical problems of natural science; meaningfully operates with philosophical categories in professional activity
4formulates a post-non-classical natural science picture of the world, owns the skills of correct verbalization, a meaningful description of observations, correct generalization, logical modeling, interpretation of the meaning of new phenomena in physical systems, reflection on mental procedures and means of verifying models, results, forecasts
5applies differential equations to the solution of various physical problems, uses the means of differential equations to process, analyze and systematize information on the topic of research and uses, if necessary, mathematical literature
6delves into the essence of physical processes, uses radio engineering and electrical circuits to solve professional problems
7plans and conducts research, predicts and evaluates research results with a view to their implementation and use in practical activities, integrates knowledge gained in different disciplines, uses them to solve analytical and managerial tasks in new unfamiliar conditions, summarizes the results of experimental research and analytical work in the form of a master’s project, article, report, analytical note, etc.
8analyzes the process of the emergence and development of fundamental ideas, concepts, laws, principles and concepts of physical science, has ideas about physics and methods of scientific knowledge in the historical aspect of its development
9analyzes the trends and current problems of general and theoretical physics, uses experimental and theoretical research methods in professional activities, uses ready-made software products in the processing and analysis of time measurements recorded in physical experiments