Educational program7M01601 History
EP purpose The educational program is aimed at training highly professional, competitive scientific-pedagogical and administrative-managerial personnel in the specialty 7M01601-History, having fundamental knowledge, guaranteeing them professional mobility in the real developing world
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study1
Volume of the credits60
Language of educationRussian, Kazakh, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
                               Learning outcomes:
1studying a foreign language determines the role of historical science and education in public life, has the skills to carry out educational and pedagogical activities; able to apply methods of forecasting, planning and management in education
2able to carry out research activities; applies advanced information technologies; based on modern theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of science
3competent in the field of research methodology; scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions; conducts research on historical issues; defines the main theoretical and methodological problems of history
4to conquer new trends in modern Russian historiography; identify and analyze current problems of history, use them in scientific research; uses theoretical knowledge in practical activities, critically examines the phenomena of the past and present;
5able to reveal the prerequisites for the formation of Kazakh statehood, the process of its development, elvation and decline; determine the role and importance of the Syr Darya cities in the evolution of the Kazakh Khanate
6has an idea of ​​the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people and determines the role and place of the socio-political activity of the Kazakh intelligentsia in Russian history, knows the problems of nation-building in the early twentieth century
7owns a system of knowledge about the history of historical science, about the educational process and concepts, about the facts of the priority of domestic history, about the connection of historical science with the history of society, has an idea of ​​the essence of the most significant scientific and public discussions on the problems of the courses being studied;
8able to understand the position and system of arguments of the participant in the discussion on the controversial problems of the courses being studied, evaluate it from the point of view of humanistic ideals and democratic values, formulate his own position, relying on scientific historical knowledge
9owns the skill of working with special literature on the courses being studied, is able to use various sources of information, evaluate them in terms of relevance, relevance, scientific credibility and objectivity, completeness and depth of consideration of the issue expressed in them civic position, form their own point of view on the problem, based on a deep and scientifically objective analysis of information sources