Educational program7M01701 Kazakh Language and the Literature
EP purpose Training of highly qualified teaching staff in demand on the labor market; formation of basic and special competencies of competitive Masters with high social and civic responsibility; Mastering by undergraduates research and practical methods of analysis of modern philological processes and phenomena; formation of universal and socio-personal values within the framework of worldview and scientific thinking.
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study2
Volume of the credits120
Language of educationKazakh
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
                               Learning outcomes:
1Gylym tarihi damuni baytari me Zhana conceptually ideallerin oz Elim CSEasy trician dildoed; scientific Sanny darunday semenawi protested, filosofiyalyk McAllen topmaster of alady. Trzebiel GILDAN mjetet sheshuge ipal Eten jiel of eulau Dadykin hered, onday sect meseleler boyynsha oz Elim Stanimir blamed, tearily BLM CSU izmene of pageland.
2setel tlje of aussa and Rasbash Aram-Atinati isindi and giel trde Wadi; setel tln cpmtest semdeg halyard Sara tsst pen Eremina Ali rende of pageland. Setel tln the scientific serfauser grges of Latin, goury the excellent orinda Arnie PN grges of Latin CSU degage meheren. Tldc atesimi tirell, pedagogical sheshen sileo, atesimi strategially ddylai alipasin. 
3Geary Mektep pedagogiczny tearily-dememek negadina Siena oturup, outway iindustry, Bilim berude the Basta pedagogical taramasalata timd stanway Aldrin yintage, outway arylene me ismen, yamashiro aidlin steady. Basaru psixologiyasini negg deter me management theoriesin megilp, leumit-pedagogical abalou of me beliau mmckenna al getkey; trzebiel scarlet Megargel, ismett tasty kreativt chasm abilty of ALADI; retention CSU, cultural Aram-katynas Ornata of alady. Bilim take narya of talbina Sykes Ismet Tr me septyni syrup CSU tridan dayin boladi.
4modern Kazakh language collarini Giese tasty alimda sertalp tratalo theremany Baladi and Saratoga; tildin tarihin doubled tearily negadir, tldc bricard cognitive, conceptually, henderik Trida teldap, Nazarbayev tlemen balancin scientific Trida negada of alady.Til BLM modern jagii me lady balasan esertepe ablett and Latin line nageslagen new earth reglern CSU izmene of pageland. 
5til belmonde new Gylym collarini tearily negadir saralegi, modern Bilim paradigmand functionally grammar, cognitive linguistics, median, linguoecology, terminology baitarani new conceptually teorileri tarried aldana of alady. Linguistics linguistics me teorisini semenawi scientific -, Pavlodar trenders of SYN trde Talagi; linguistically pnder Severne Alan Bildern integracijama, sertiously McAllen secude faydalanma dayin.
6Kazakh Debian doubleu meselesi lyptus rister me satility, jalpa ilimdar giesha Orna men haylin, base Gylym sallaries Sara balancin, Kazakh Debian modern jagii me krcmd-ideally gainen lger of gilgun scientific Trida balap, Zhana Thuringer easy of alady.  Philologian tearily of gaily jintan scientific rtrl of oylar men toriality of SYN Trida Talagi, balady, calistirma and Sony nesha scientific-terialy cseas aliphaticity, scientific -, Pavlodar imizin iindustry.
7Kazakh adebieti tarihinde cased jagatara of twentyten Aymar me discard conceptually negadir saralegi, Debi Aymar me discard yandow arily ciarmella jests pen kemske of teldau Aldrin megared, Objective teorisini Gylym rende lyptus keezer, scientific Megaptera erikseen, tanindi, leumit, crcdc-esthetically asiatin sardelac; the objective teorisi satility aesthetics, psychology, medeniyetten, semiotics alimarina getascent birlikte roastery, poetics, style baitina scientific Trida Baladi sends tzurim easy of alady.
8PNG oito dememes tearily negadir, semenawi men, DS – tseden timd aldandi, pedagogical diagnostics ASAP, ntigen pedagogical izmene of pageland. Filologia pnder Geary mektupta oito dememes alimini lemak and Tandy tarrible aldandi.  Semenawi Bilim take paradigmas contexte pedagogical, philologically ilimdar damuni baytari me Zhana conceptually ideallerin oz Elim CSEasy trician dildoed; CSU blacklg damytu asparagi and ones nary Bilim gamalinda berude isegi asurada. 
9gumanitarny ilimdar boyynsha salasi the scientific-pedagogical Zertteu new texnologiyalari me discern megilp, teorileri, scientific theremany scientific-denemeli Trida Talagi, Baladi and calistirma, sertiously and scientific Yenbek of zhaz of alady, scientific Eben nm rende scientific aynalama engset.
10filologia Bilim me alumni linguistically, Debi, pedagogical, hermeneutically, semiotically, esthetically, filosofiyalyk Zhane tarihi-cultural negadir megared, philologically serfauser dersin jasperlode, ISKE Barudi, ResMed dememes bled and scientific izmene aldana of alady.
11analyzes historical phenomena and facts, taking into account the laws of the historical process and periods; examines social phenomena in development, applying the principle of historicism; determines the role and place of man and the state in the historical process, the political organization of society
12independently comprehensively analyzes the development of foreign countries and our state in the history of state and social systems, social and spiritual structures; characterizes the driving forces and patterns of the historical process; evaluates the processes of international relations at different stages; uses theoretical knowledge in professional activities