Educational program7M04104 Accounting and Audit
EP purpose formation of master students key competencies that allow to effectively solve research, accounting and analytical, economic and organizational, production and management tasks in the modern conditions of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study1
Volume of the credits60
Language of educationRussian, Kazakh, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardfinancial management
Learning outcomes:
1has the ability to self-development and critical analysis of socio-economic phenomena, as well as the ability to analyze psychological phenomena in various spheres of human life
2argumentatively proves its position in discussions, freely reads and translates foreign literature with subsequent interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the extracted information
3has in-depth knowledge of IFRS (International financial reporting standards) and ISA (International auditing standards)
4is able to plan and conduct research activities on selected scientific topics, teach at universities, successfully carry out research and management activities
5knows and applies methodological principles and methodological techniques in the field of accounting of assets, liabilities and capital of organizations of various forms of ownership and management, is able to make accounting policies and financial statements of the company both in the state and in a foreign language
6knows and applies the accounting and tax accounting methodology and procedure for submission of tax reports in electronic form of commercial and non-profit organizations
7able on the basis of the analysis of the features of the tax and budget system of the Republic of Kazakhstan to make a scientifically and economically sound choice of the necessary method of accounting and balance sheet
8operates with large amounts of information, actively using modern software products, works with various sources of this information and presents the results of the work done in the form of reports, scientific and expert reports and articles
9in the process of professional and/or experimental research and activities uses a wide range of skills, from calculating the cost of production and preparation of information for management decisions, to the preparation and analysis of consolidated financial statements of budgetary organizations in accordance with IFRS PS