Educational program7M04109 Strategic management
EP purpose To train of top managers who are able to use advanced management practices and find creative solutions in the conditions of digitalization in the global world.
EP typeNew EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study1
Volume of the credits60
Language of educationRussian, Kazakh, English
Date of approval EP on the Academic Council 07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardStrategic HR
                               Learning outcomes:
1Manages the business using strategic tools to achieve and maintain competitiveness in the international environment
2Finds non-standard solutions to problems in the professional sphere, using various project programs and innovative technologies.
3Effectively organizes team interaction for decision-making using modern social technologies in working with staff.
4Provides the business with the best personnel to implement and achieve the professional goals of employees and the company.
5Applies in practice various financial approaches and methods for evaluating business and investment projects in the interests of all interested parties (stakeholders).
6Uses language skills to conduct business, applying analytical and strategic skills in interpersonal interactive interaction with representatives of other cultures.
7Conducts business research using modern analytical tools and uses the results to make management decisions
8Plans and controls project management based on national and foreign standards in the field of project management and using big data analysis technologies.
9Analyzes and interprets regulations of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating business activities; applies methods and tools in the field of legal regulation of business and labor relations.
10Assesses the risks and possible socio-economic consequences of management decisions, identifies problems in the application of accounting management accounting methods in the field of corporate Finance, and suggests ways to solve them taking into account socio-economic efficiency.