Educational program7M04201 Jurisprudence
EP purpose   high-quality training of highly qualified specialists with a high level of legal culture and legal awareness, fundamental knowledge and professional competencies in the field of development and implementation of legal norms, ensuring law and order, legal training and education
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF7
Level on SQF7
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeMaster
Period of study2
Volume of the credits120
Language of educationRussian, Kazakh, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Professional standardDeveloped on the basis of NQF  and   IQF , as well as taking into account the proposals of employers
                               Learning outcomes:
1shows an active civic position in interpersonal and intercultural communication in a multilingual environment based on fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of social and psychological sciences in philosophy and pedagogy in the context of their role in the modernization and digitalization of Kazakhstani society
2Owns a wide range of knowledge about the origin, development and functioning of the state and law, reveals their main features, about the foundations of the constitutional legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in theoretical and practical aspects
3able to carry out further theoretical and / or applied research and development at a high level, making a significant contribution to the creation of new ideas, approaches and methods of teaching and analysis of state-legal phenomena
4Distinguishes and classifies the problems of legal regulation of the theory and practice of civil law institutions from the norms of other branches of law, explains and compares them with the laws of other states, knows how to express his opinion in solving situational problems
5has the skills to understand and disclose the concept of the composition of a criminal offense, distinguishes and classifies a crime from a criminal offense, explains and compares the main institutes of criminal law, is able to formulate his thoughts and give examples when solving situational problems using the norms of the general and special part of criminal law
6the skills to analyze the problems of theory and practice of civil process institutions in the theoretical and practical segment in accordance with the current legislation of the country
7Distinguishes the norms of application of the theory and practice of criminal procedure legislation from the norms of other branches of law, classifies the participants in the criminal process, combines and singles out criminal cases, develops a sentence, draws conclusions on the review of court decisions that have entered into force in accordance with the current legislation of the country
8the skills to analyze problems of the theory and practice of administrative process production in the theoretical and practical segment according to the current legislation of the country
9the skills of collecting evidence using forensic technology, evaluates evidence-based facts, compares and contrasts by conducting investigative experiments, and also plans and offers tactical operations and techniques for using them to increase the effectiveness of investigating certain types of crimes