Educational program8D04101 Economics
EP purpose   Training of scientific, scientific and pedagogical personnel of the new formation possessing universal competences, capable to solve problems of improvement of economy, production, science and development of new technologies according to requirements of national and international standards
EP typeActing EP
Level on NQF8
Level on SQF8
EP distinctive featuresNo
The awarded academic degreeDoctorate
Period of study3
Volume of the credits180
Language of educationKazakh, Russian, English
Date of approval of the OP at the Board meeting07.04.2021 (protocol No. 4)
Learning outcomes:
1Considers the problems of formation of economic interactions and development prospects at the national level
2Conducts independent research, characterized by academic integrity, on the basis of modern theories and methods of analysis
3Explains the logic of investment decision-making, modern investment technologies and tools used in domestic and foreign economic practice in the process of management
4Generates its own scientific ideas of the best ways to solve mathematical problems facing the enterprise
5Developing micro-and macroeconomic modeling with the use of modern tools and forecast the development of specific economic processes on micro and macro level
6Analyzes the methods of economic analysis of production and economic activities of the development of Kazakhstan science in the context of globalization and internationalization
7Analyzes and monitors economic activities of different objects of ownership
8Predicts sustainable development of the economic system of Kazakhstan in terms of its modernization
9Assesses the results of the formation and development of the national innovation system