Katenov Amangeldy Kamalovich
Degree: candidate of philosophical sciences
Position: senior lecturer
Education: higher
Educational institution: S. M. Kirov Kazakh State University
Specialty: Philosophy
Year of graduation: 1968
Qualification: The Philosopher
Academic degree: Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Specialty: The Philosopher
Year of assignment: One thousand nine hundred seventy five
The topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Problems of being»
Research interests: “Problems of being»
Courses taught:
- Philosophy
- Sociology
- Cultural studies
- Political Science
Professional development
15.05.2010 seminar ” academic mobility in the Bologna Process”
15.05.2010 course” methodology of Philosophy and Science ” Institute of advanced training of teachers of Al – Farabi Kazakh National University
11.09.2013 Course ” Electronic Government and electronic services”
01.09.2016″ conceptual foundations of education in the new content of Education “on the topic” civil control”
Scientific works
Selected publications of recent years out of 60:
1. Monograph “Problems of being”. Taldykorgan 2004
2. “Pre-Socratic ideas about matter”. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Education-Science-society: problems and Prospects of interaction” 3-part. Taldykorgan 2013